HORNREICH COLLECTION of U.S. & World Medal Plaques
Alfonse "Alphee" Mauquoy





Coin Details

Origin/Country: Belgium Brussels 1880-1930
Design Description: Bz Plaquette Philippe Matagne Law Profession 50th Year
Item Description: Bronze 1880-1930 By Alf Mauquoy 1880-1930 Belgium Bz Plaquette Philippe Matagne, Law
Full Grade: MS 63
Owner: Spencer Collection

Owner Comments:

Medal, Plaquette, 1880-1930, Bronze, Belgium. PORTRAIT OF PHILIPPE MATAGNE - 1880 - 1930, Law Profession, 50th Year Medal by Alphee Mauquoy, Medallist. Obv. Portrait bust of Philippe Matagne, medallist signature at right, Philippe Matagne at bottom; Rv. 1880 - 1930 Les huissiers de Belgique à leur véneré confrère en commemoration de son cinquantenaire professionnel. Size: 75mm x50 mm. Purchased in Belgium.

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