HORNREICH COLLECTION of U.S. & World Medal Plaques
Godefroid Devreese





Coin Details

Origin/Country: Belgium Brussels 1914
Design Description: Bz Plaquette King Alfred I, WWI Quote of P. Corneille
Item Description: Bronze 1914 Belgium Bz Plaquette by Devreese
Full Grade: MS 60
Owner: Spencer Collection

Owner Comments:

Medal, Plaquette, 1914, Bronze, Belgium. Portrait KING ALBERT I of BELGIUM, WWI Commemorative Uniface Plaquette by Godefroid Devreese. Size: 90mm x 62mm. Obv. Portrait of Albert, legend below: Qui ne craint point la mort ne craint point les menaces, j'ai le coeur au dessus des plus fières disgrâces: et l'on peut me réduire à vivre sans bonheur mais non pas me résoudre à vivre sans honneur - P. CORNEILLE. Pierre Corneille was a French tragedian, and one of the three great seventeenth-century French dramatists, along with Molière and Racine. The quote relates to facing death with honor. Purchased in Belgium.

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