HORNREICH COLLECTION of U.S. & World Medal Plaques
Maurice De Mathelin





Coin Details

Origin/Country: Belgium Bruxelles 1905
Design Description: Z. Gramme Inventor
Item Description: Bz and Silvered Bz 1905 Universal Exhibition of 1905, Leige Belgium, Z.. Gramme Bz & Silv Bx Plaquettes
Full Grade: MS 62
Owner: Spencer Collection

Owner Comments:

Medals, Plaquettes (2), 1905, Bronze and Silvered Bz, Belgium. Z. GRAMME (Zénobe Théophile Gramme, Born 4 April 1826, Died: 20 January 1901). Two plaques honoring Z. Gramme, by M. De Mathelin. Obv. bust left & legend "Z. GRAMME at bottom, JEHAY BODEGNEE 1826 - BOIS COLOMBES 1901" (Birth and death location); Rv. "LABOR / LIEGE 1905" (inventor working at his table, seating on an anvil, Leige 1905; these medals coined for the 1905 Universal Exhibition held in Liege, Belgium). Each about 60mm x 52mm, Weight: 3.15 Oz. Bz and Silvered Bz. History: Zénobe Théophile Gramme was a Belgian electrical engineer. He invented the Gramme machine, a type of direct current dynamo capable of generating smoother (less AC) and much higher voltages than the dynamos known to that point. In 1873 he and Hippolyte Fontaine accidentally discovered that the device was reversible and would spin when connected to any DC power supply. The Gramme machine was the first usefully powerful electrical motor that was successful industrially. Before Gramme's inventions, electric motors attained only low power and were mainly used as toys or laboratory curiosities. Gramme died at Bois-Colombes, France and was buried in Père Lachaise Cemetery. In the city of Liège there is a High School, L'Institut Gramme, named after him. Medallist: Mathelin, de Maurice (sculptor/medallist; painter/draughtsman; Belgian; Male; 1854). Also known as Maurice de Mathelin, whose medallic work is seldom met with. RARE. In original box with notation inside: Medailles Insignes Paul Fisch Aine, 32 Rue D'Allemagne, Bruxelles.

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