Owner Comments:
Medal, Plaquette, c.1921, Bronze, Germany. E.W. ARNOLDI, Founder of Gothaer Feuerversicherungsbank auf Gegenseitigkeit, 1821-1921, on the 100th Anniversary. Gotha Mutual Fire Insurance Bank. Ernest Wilhelm Arnoldi (1778-1841) is considered the father of the insurance industry. Company Mottos: "Many Help, All Share the Load of the Individual". "You act for you, if you live for others." In 1827 Started the Gotha Life Insurance Co. It grew into a conglomerate insurance and banking firm. Obv. Portrait of Arnoldi right, Company name above, for 25 years service legend below; Rv. Blank. This plaquette was likely given to employees for 25 years of service to the company. Interestingly, there was another leader of the company years later named Karl Samwer, and c.1950, the company issued a second plaquette with Karl Samwer's Portrait on one side (1927) and E.W. Arnoldi's on the other (1927). This first plaquette, which is uniface, is considered rare, and would be classified as an award medal in the insurance and banking industry, and a personal portrait medal for Mr. Arnoldi. Purchased in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. In original case.