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Type Collecting by President

Category:  Other
Owner:  BlakeEik
Last Modified:  4/6/2022
Set Description
The Timeline of our Presidents contrasted with a coin from their term provides a visual context and memorable relationship.

Set Goals
The concept is simple: collect a coin minted during then term of each President and avoid duplicate types where possible.

Slot Name
Item Description
Full Grade
Owner Comments
View Coin George Washington 1789-1797 United States 1/2C 1795 NO POLE THIN C-6a PCGS VG 8 BN
View Coin John Adams 1797-1801 United States $1 1799 PCGS VF 35
View Coin Thomas Jefferson 1801-1809 United States 1/2C 1804 PCGS AU 58 BN
James Madison 1809-1817 United States 1C 1814
James Monroe 1817-1825 United States 25C 1821
John Quincy Adams 1825-1829 United States 10C 1827
View Coin Andrew Jackson 1829-1837 United States 50C 1832 PCGS MS 63
View Coin Martin Van Buren 1837-1841 United States H10C 1837 SM DATE SEATED PCGS MS 64
William Henry Harrison 1841 United States H10C 1841
John Tyler 1841-1845 United States 25C 1843
James Knox Polk 1845-1849 United States 50C 1847
Zachary Taylor 1849-1850 United States 10C 1849
View Coin Millard Fillmore 1850-1853 United States 1/2C 1853 C-1 PCGS MS 65 RB
View Coin Franklin Pierce 1853-1857 United States 50C 1854 O ARROWS PCGS MS 64
View Coin James Buchanan 1857-1861 United States 1C 1857 EAGLE PCGS MS 64
View Coin Abraham Lincoln 1861-1865 United States 1C 1862 PCGS PF 65
View Coin Andrew Johnson 1865-1869 United States 5C 1866 RAYS PCGS PF 66
View Coin Ulysses Simpson Grant 1869-1877 United States 2C 1871 PCGS PF 64 RB
View Coin Rutherford Birchard Hayes 1877-1881 United States $1 1880 CC NGC MS 64
View Coin James Abram Garfield 1881 United States $1 1881 S NGC MS 66
View Coin Chester Alan Arthur 1881-1885 United States 50C 1883 PCGS PF 64 UC
View Coin Stephen Grover Cleveland 1885-1889 United States G$1 1889 PCGS MS 65
View Coin Benjamin Harrison 1889-1893 United States 5C 1892 PCGS PF 66 CA
View Coin Stephen Grover Cleveland 1893-1897 United States 25C 1893 ISABELLA NGC MS 62
View Coin William McKinley 1897-1901 United States 25C 1900 NGC PF 67 ULTRA CAMEO Less than 1000 Barber quarters were produced each year from 1900-1915 for a total of only 10,336.

This example is special! It is the ONLY 1900 quarter graded Ultra/Deep Cameo by NGC or PCGS, and it has a mintage of only 912. NGC graded 14 others higher at PF68, only six of which have a Cameo designation.
View Coin Theodore Roosevelt 1901-1909 United States 1C 1909 VDB NGC MS 67 RD The Lincoln cent is arguably the most popular and beloved type coin of all American coinage. President Teddy Roosevelt advocated for fellow Republican Abraham Lincoln to be the first person featured on a business coin. 1909 celebrated 100 years since Lincoln's birth. The designer's initials "VDB" were placed at the bottom of the reverse of the coin, but removed before the first year ended making this the rarest Lincoln variation. The San Francisco mint produced only 484 thousand making that year-mint combo the key to the series.
As a one-year type coin, the VDB cent is 7th most rare of non-gold 20th century types, and 3rd rarest if considering only circulation strikes.

This coppery red example has great color and clean surfaces. Only a handful of VBD cents are graded higher than MS67 in any color.
View Coin William Howard Taft 1909-1913 United States 5C 1913 TYPE 1 NGC MS 68 The amazing Indian Head nickel, aka Buffalo nickel, was a radical change from all previous US coins honoring the American Indian and Buffalo. The impressive designs were chosen as part of the coin beautification initiative but not universally popular at the time. The first type with the "Buffalo on mound" was replaced during its inaugural year because it was noticed that date and the denomination were most affected by wear. Thus these Type 1 nickels are more rare and a favorite with collectors. The obverse and reverse designs live on as they were both adapted to the 1 oz fine gold bullion coin.

This top example has light toning, and smooth surfaces, but the luster separates it from the 67's.
View Coin Thomas Woodrow Wilson 1913-1921 United States 25C 1917 TYPE 1 NGC MS 67 FH The Standing Liberty quarter signified to the world that the US would not “sit” and stand by during the Great War. Other countries started fighting in 1914, but the US did not officially enter the war until April of 1917. The quarter was well received, but like its nickel contemporary, the high relief design was problematic in production and did not wear well.
Based on mintage numbers, the type 1 Standing Liberty quarter is the 5th rarest non-gold type coin of 20th century, and second only to the 1921 Peace dollar when ignoring the 1976 silver issues.

This fully struck example has flowing luster under natural light. It looks bright white, yet the light reflects hints of gold, blue, and rose. Disclaimer: I am an amateur photographer, and I cannot seem to capture the beauty of these Standing Liberty quarters!

NGC graded about 100 Type 1 quarters in MS67 or better.
View Coin Warren Gamaliel Harding 1921-1923 United States $1 1921 PEACE HIGH RELIEF NGC MS 65 The Peace dollar celebrated the end of the Great War. It was also the last denomination to undergo a Teddy Roosevelt inspired, American Renaissance design change. In 1921, it was released the same year that the Morgan dollar was revived for a last hurrah. The first year type in high relief is especially sharp and artistically attractive, but of course, more difficult to mint.
The High Relief Peace dollar type is the rarest non-gold type coin of the entire 20th century with just over 1 million strikes.

This example has a nice strike and superior luster, however, it is difficult to find any high relief Peace dollar with fine details in the hair over Liberty's ear. This coin is difficult to find in MS66, and NGC has graded only 15 higher than that.
View Coin John Calvin Coolidge 1923-1929 United States $1 1923 NGC MS 66 The Peace dollar was altered to be a lower relief because the original dies were breaking at a high rate. They were struck from 1922-1928, and then again from 1934-1935. The most famous Peace dollar is probably the 1964-D which no one is known to possess. Forty-five million were authorized by congress, but any that were minted were supposedly melted before they were issued.

This lightly-toned example has nice color and strong luster. NGC graded fewer than 400 in MS67, 20 in higher MS67+/★, and 2 in MS68.
View Coin Herbert Clark Hoover 1929-1933 United States 25C 1930 NGC MS 67 FH In 1925, the Type 2 design was slightly modified because the date was wearing down too quickly. NGC recognizes both variations of the chain mail Standing Liberty quarter as different types. The first minted 1917-1924 and the second with a recessed date from 1925-1930.

This example is free of contact marks and was fully struck with every detail seen in Liberty’s helmet. It has some toning spots on the obverse that are virtually unnoticeable under natural light. The reverse is perfect.
View Coin Franklin Delano Roosevelt 1933-1945 United States 50C 1939 NGC PF 68 The Walking Liberty proof half dollar is a favorite and often a centerpiece of a 20th century type set. The 1936-1938 issues are significantly more difficult to find than the 1939-1942 issues. In total, about 75,000 proof Mercury dimes were made.

This original example has brilliant gold edge toning and gorgeous eye-appeal.

Walking Liberty proofs seem to be at a low right now - a great time to buy. NGC graded 454 in PF68 and less than 100 in a higher grade.
View Coin Harry S Truman 1945-1953 United States 25C 1953 S NGC MS 68 In 1932, the mint released what was meant to be a one year type coin, the Washington quarter. It was released to commemorate the 200th anniversary of his birth. It was so popular with the public, it has continued to the current day.

This beautiful MS68 example has exceptional luster and splendid rim toning. This type is tough to find in grades over MS68 with NGC grading only 39 in MS68★ or MS68+, and a single one in MS69.
View Coin Dwight David Eisenhower 1953-1961 United States 50C 1956 TYPE 2 NGC PF 69 ULTRA CAMEO The proof Franklin half dollar is a popular series to collect with only 14 issues from 1950-1963. Although the 1950 and 1951 have the lowest mintage they are still in reach of most collectors. However, achieving a collection of ultra cameos or PF69 Franklin half dollars would be an extremely difficult task. The most significant variation of the series took place in 1956 when the tail feathers of the small eagle on the reverse were changed.

This ultra cameo example is one of the most common in PF69UC: 1956 Type 2. NGC graded a single coin in PF69★UC, the highest grade for a Franklin a proof, which was from 1963.
View Coin John Fitzgerald Kennedy 1961-1963 United States 5C 1963 NGC PF 69 CAMEO
View Coin Lyndon Baines Johnson 1963-1969 United States 50C 1964 NGC PF 69 ULTRA CAMEO The 1964 proof Kennedy half dollar is an interesting one-year type coin. First of all, an early design change created a scarcer variety known as "accented hair" because of the extra detail in Kennedy's hair. In general, the coin is not rare by any means, however, only one of eight coins is cameo, and only 1 of 30 is ultra cameo. Of those, very few grade as high as PF69 making this common coin uncommon in high grades.

This example has frosty cameo features on the obverse and reverse.

NGC population in PF69UC is 133/2, and 2/0 in PF69UC with accent hair
View Coin Richard Milhous Nixon 1969-1974 United States $1 1971 S SILVER NGC PF 69 ULTRA CAMEO The mint issued silver proof Ike dollars in brown boxes from 1971-1974. They made millions so they are easy to find.

NGC has graded many silver Ikes in PF69UC, but only a handful in PF69★UC and none in PF70UC. On the contrary, PCGS has graded 788 in PR70DC.
View Coin Gerald Rudolph Ford 1974-1977 United States 10C 1976 NGC MS 68
View Coin James Earl Carter, Jr. 1977-1981 United States $1 1979 S TYPE 2 NGC PF 69 ULTRA CAMEO
View Coin Ronald Wilson Reagan 1981-1989 United States 50C 1986 S STATUE OF LIBERTY NGC PF 70 ULTRA CAMEO
View Coin George Herbert Walker Bush 1989-1993 United States 1C 1993 S NGC PF 70 RD ULTRA CAMEO The proof Lincoln Memorial is relatively easy to find in the PF70 Ultra Cameo grade after 1990, but to find one in every year would be a challenge.

This pristine example from the 1990's has a deep cameo contrast.
View Coin William Jefferson Clinton 1993-2001 United States 25C 1999 S CLAD NEW JERSEY NGC PF 70 ULTRA CAMEO The ability to find clad statehood coinage in the PF70 Ultra Cameo grade varies by state, but compared to older coins it is an achievable task.

This pristine New Jersey example has a deep cameo contrast.
View Coin George Walker Bush 2001-2008 United States $1 2003 S NGC PF 70 ULTRA CAMEO The Sacagawea Dollar, the first modern "golden dollar" was another attempt to replace the Washington $1 note. That never happened. Instead the coins have been hoarded as the note is too beloved to let go. The original design lasted from 2000-2008. In 2009, the mint decided to change the coin's reverse every year.

The initial year of the Sacagawea $1 saw several varieties:
1) It was found that some of the initial strikes of the 2000-P $1 had boldly defined tail feathers, and most if not all of these coins were released in boxes of Cheerios for a breakfast cereal promotion. These coins are now highly coveted.
2) The designer of this coin, Glenna Goodacre, was paid with $5000 in 2000-P Sacagawea $1 coins with a special finish. These coins are now worth several hundred dollars each.
3) The mint released a "Millennium Coin and Currency Set" containing a proof-like 2000-D $1.
4) A dozen 2000 dated $1 coins struck in 22kt gold at the West Point Mint were sent into space on the space shuttle and then later stored in Fort Knox.

This coin is part of a 2003-S proof set in a 5-coin holder (cent, nickel, dime, half, and dollar).
View Coin Barrack Hussein Obama 2008-2016 United States 1C 2010 D SMS UNION SHIELD NGC MS 69 RD Only the first year of the Union Shield cent was included in annual mint sets with a satin finish in 2010. Each has either a P or D mintmark.
View Coin Donald John Trump 2016-2020 United States $1 2018 S G.Washington NGC PF 70 ULTRA CAMEO As all of the profitable quarter series were coming to an end in 2021, the minted shifted it's multi-design program to the new "Innovation" series. Unlike the Statehood quarter series, it consists of four different designs per year (instead of five) from 2019-2032. They are to be released in order of statehood, followed by Washington, DC, and the five territories. In addition, the initial 2018 coin featured a tribute to the "Signed First Patent" by George Washington making 57 different designs in total.
Each coin in the series includes business strikes with P and D mintmarks, and both proof and reverse proof strikes with an S mintmark. Mintmarks, like the motto E PLURIBUS UNUM, are incused into the coin's edge.
View Coin Joseph Robinette Biden 2020- United States 25C 2020 S Silver Salt Bay National Park Early Releases NGC PF 69 ULTRA CAMEO

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