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Category:  World Coins
Owner:  gpnyc1
Last Modified:  1/21/2015
Set Description


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Timeline: The Medieval period in Western Europe is generally agreed to have begun after the fall of the last emperor of the Western Roman Empire (just before AD500) and spanned nearly a millennium. The Medieval period was followed by the Renaissance which began in Florence, Italy in the late 14th century and spread out from there for the next century and a half.


Parameters: This set will contain gold and silver coins from Western Europe spanning from the 7th century to the 15th century. This is not intended to represent definitive start and end dates of Medieval Europe as such dates have never been set in stone and likely never will be.


Format: Coins are presented in date order, from oldest to newest. As borders were fluid during these time periods and one geographical area would often be under the rule of another, no attempt is made to sort the coins by "country." There simply were no "countries" as we know them today.


Slot Name
Item Description
Full Grade
Owner Comments
View Coin ANGLO-SAXON - Continental Sceattas 695-710 AR Sceat Great Britain ANGLO SAXON AR SCEAT (695-740) ENGLAND ANGLO-SAXON S-790K NGC MS 63 (13mm, 1.14 g, 4h). Series E, ‘Ashton Rowant’ phase, plumed bird var. J, type 6. Mint in Frisia (Dorestad).

Obv: Plumed bird, right; cross before.

Rev: Standard; pellet-in-annulet at center; bars and trefoils around; crosses and pellets in margin.

Good VF, toned.

(Abramson E300; Metcalf 190-3; North 49; SCBC 790K)
View Coin ANGLO-SAXON - Domburg, Zealand, Netherlands 695-740 AR Sceat SCEAT (695-740) ENGLAND S-792 NGC XF 45 (1.19g., 12mm) Series D, Type 2c. Frisian Imports, Domburg mint (Domburg, Zealand, Netherlands), Apa - Runic type, Silver Sceat or Sceatta (Penny).

Obv: imitative, crude radiate bust right, APA in runes right.

Rev: cross with a pellet in each angle, pseudo legend around.

(S.839; Metcalf 158-80), small ground contact mark on cheek, good very fine, toned.
View Coin ITALIAN STATES - MILAN 1039-1125 AR Denaro Scodellato of Enrico III o IV o V di Franconia Italian States MILAN DENARO (1039-1125) ITALY MILAN NGC AU 58 Obv: + IMPERATOR, HE/RIC/N in three lines.

Rev: MEDIOLANV, cross pattée.

(Biaggi 1413).
View Coin ITALIAN STATES - SICILY - MESSINA | Frederick II 1198-1250 Tari Italian States SICILY TARI (1198-1250) ITALY MESSINA FR-651 NGC AU 50 Obv: Crowned imperial eagle facing, head right, with wings displayed; pellet to upper left and right. Rev: Legend, IC-XC/NI-KA, flanking cross. Well-struck and well centered for the issue, with an atypical fairly rounded flan.

(Fr-651; Spahr-72)
View Coin IRELAND - DUBLIN 1199-1216 AR Penny - John as King IRELAND - TO 1603 DUBLIN AR PENNY (1207-11) DUBLIN S-6228 JOHN NGC VF 30 (19mm, 1.44 g, 12h). Third (‘Rex’/Triangle) coinage. Dublin mint; Roberd, moneyer. Struck circa 1207-1211.

Obv: IOhA NNES REX, crowned facing bust, holding cruciform scepter; rosette to right; all within triangle.

Rev: + ROBE + RD ON + DIVE, pinwheel (sun) within crescent moon; three stars around; all within triangle; three crosses pattée around legend.

Very fine, toned.

(SCBI 22 (Copenhagen), 312-29; SCBC 6228).
View Coin ITALIAN STATES - VERONA 1220-1250 AR Grosso of Federico II GROSSO (1218-50) ITALY VERONA CNI-VI-20 NGC AU 55 (19mm, 1.56 g, 8h) Issued during the reign of Federico II (Holy Roman Emperor, 1220-1250).

Obv: + ·VE·RO·NA · (rosette stops), cross pattée over ring; CI|VI CI|VI in angles.

Rev: + CI+EV+C+IV, cross pattée over ring; VE|RO|N|A in angles.

(Biaggi 2971 variety (legends). Sharply struck and attractively toned.
View Coin IRELAND - WATERFORD 1272-1307 AR Penny of Edward I IRELAND - TO 1603 WATERFORD AR 1/2P (1279-1302) WATERFORD S-6254 EDWARD I NGC VF 30 (1.37g., 19mm) 2nd Coinage, Group Ib, Waterford mint.

Obv: Crowned facing bust of Edward within a triangle, a trefoil of pellets below the bust, •EDW•R ANGL' DNS HYB.

Rev: Long cross with three pellets in each angle, CIVITAS WATERFOR'

Good very fine, toned.

View Coin ITALIAN STATES - SICILY - MESSINA | Peter I the Great of Aragon and Constance 1282-1285 Pierreale Italian States SICILY PIERRE (1282-85) ITALY MESSINA MEC-756 VAR. NO ANNULET ABOVE SHIELD NGC MS 65 (4.31g, 4h). . Messina Mint.

Obv: +.SUMMA.POTENCIA.EST.IN DEO. / +.P.DEI.GRA.ARAGON & SICIL.REX. In two circles, with annulet stops, bordered by three dotted circles, around coat of arms of Aragon.

Rev: +XPS.VINCIT.XPS RENAT.XPS IMPAT / +COSTA.DEI.GRA.ARAG.SICIL.REG in two circles, with pellet stops, bordered by three dotted circles, around eagle standing left, head right, with wings raised. & added between ARAGON and SICIL in obverse legend; RENAT not REGNAT in reverse legend.

(Spahr 4. Friedberg 654). Mint State. Gemeni XI lot 624.
View Coin ITALIAN STATES - SICILY (MESSINA) 1296-1337 AR Pierreale of Federico III D' Aragon ITALIAN STATES - NAPOLEONIC TO UNIFICATION Messina 1296-1337 AR PIER'A (1296-1337) ITALY SICILY SPAHR 5 Spahr 5 NGC VF Obv: + FRIDERIC T: DI: GRA: REX. SICIL' circled, by two circles of beads. A crowned eagle with its spreaded wings a s., with its retrospiciente head in a decoration made of a ring in 8 segments with little rings outside the junction of the segments.

Rev: + DUC'. APUL' t PRINCIPAT'. CAPUA. Aragonese coat of arms inside the same decoration of the front, on the left the letter I.

(Spahr 5)
View Coin FRANCE, ROYAL - Philippe IV le Bel (the Fair) 1306-1314 AR Maille Tierce à l'O Rond ISLAMIC DYNASTIES AR DINAR (AH965-981) SA'DIAN SHARIFS 'ABD ALLAH AL-GHALIB NGC AU 50 (1.35g).

Obv: +BNDICTV (three pellets) SIT NOmEN (three pellets) DNI, +PhILIPPVS (annulet) REX, short cross pattée.

Rev: TVRONVS(annulet) CIVIS, châtel tournois; border of ten lis.

Good very fine, toned.

(Duplessy 219; Ciani 214; Roberts 2498(2461?))
View Coin BELGIUM, FLANDERS Louis II de Male 1346-84 Cavalier d'or BELGIUM - TO 1600 FLANDERS 1346-1384 AV CHA'OR (1346-84) FLANDERS FR-152 LOUIS II DE MALE Del-458; Demay-193 PCGS AU 53 Obv: Armored rider with sword, to left. LVDOVIC oo DEI GRA oo COMES oo FLADRIE.

Rev: Floriated cross in quadralobe with trefoils in each angle. +XRE xx VINCIT xx XRE xx REGNAT xx XRE xx INPERAT.

Nice strike with complete legends and no apparent flaws.

(Fr-156; Del-458; Demay-193).
View Coin ENGLAND - Edward III 1351-1361 Quarter Noble ENGLAND - PRE-1603 1/4N (1351-61) England S-1498 EDWARD III NGC MS 63 (1.89g., 20mm, London mint) Obv: Shield quartered with the arms of France and England with tressure of eight arcs, +(annulet) EDWARD DEI GRAC REX ANGL. Rev: Floriated cross with a lis at the end of each limb, annulets in the angles, around a lion passant in each angle, within a treasure of eight arcs, Lis in the center, EXALTABITUR IN GLORIA.

(N.1244; S.1511), almost extremely fine
View Coin FRANCE, ROYAL Jean II le Bon (the Good) 1350-1364 Mouton d' Or FRANCE - TO 1600 1350-1364 AV 1MD'OR (1350-64) FR-280 JEAN II LE BON F-280, Duplessy-291, Ciani-354, L-294 NGC XF 40 Obv. Agnus Dei (Lamb of God) standing with ‘IOH REX’ below within tressure and legend +AGN DEI QVI TOLL PECA MVDI MISERERE NOB with pellet-in-annulet stops.

Rev: rnate voided cross with lis in spandrels within angled quadrilobe tressure +XPC VINCIT XPC REGNAT XPC IMPERAT.

(F-280, Duplessy-291, Ciani-354, L-294)
View Coin SCOTLAND - David II (1329-1371) 1357-1367 AR Groat (4P) SCOTLAND - TO 1603 4P (1357-67) S-5091 DAVID II EDINBURGH NGC VF 20 Edinburgh mint; im: cross pattée. Struck 1357-1367.

Obv: DAVID · DEI · GRA · REX · SCOTORVM (mullet) (quatrefoil stops), crowned bust left; scepter before.

Rev: DnS (saltire over crescent) P TECTOR mS Z LIB ATOR mS / VILLA (quatrefoil) EDINBVRGH, long cross pattée, with mullet of five points voided by rosette in each quarter.

View Coin ENGLAND Edward III (Fourth Coinage/Treaty period 1361-1369) Noble ENGLAND - PRE-1603 London 1361-1369 AV NOBLE (1361-69) England S-1502 EDWARD III FR-95, S.1503 ELIASBERG NGC AU 50 (7.69g., 33.10mm; London Mint)

Obv: Standing king on ship of state with shield and sword, in beaded circle, legends around.

Rev: Ornamental floriated cross in octylobe, beaded circle, lions and crowns at angles, legends around. Even light yellow gold, nicely struck in all quarters though somewhat granular at rims, scattered obv. marks.

(FR-95, S.1503)

From the John H. Clapp Collection; Clapp estate to Louis E. Eliasberg, Sr., 1942.
View Coin FRANCE, ROYAL | Charles V Le Sage (The wise) 1364-1380 Franc a Pied FRANCE - TO 1600 F'PIED (1364-80) FR-284 CHARLES V NGC MS 63 (34mm, 3.78 g, 12h). Struck 1365. Obv: kAROLVS · DI · GR FRAnCORV · R?X, Charles standing facing within portico, holding sword and scepter surmounted by Hand of Justice; seven lis to left and right. Rev: + XPC · VIIICIT · XPC · R?GIIAT · XPC · IIIP?RAT, Voided short cross potent over cross fleurée; at center, pellet within polylobe; lis and crown alternating in angles; all within polylobe, with lis in each spandrel.

(Duplessy 360; Ciani 457; Friedberg 284) very fine
View Coin ITALIAN STATES | VENICE 1382-1400 AV Ducat of Antonio Veniero ITALY - TO 1600 DUCAT (1382-1400) VENICE ANTONIO VENIER NGC MS 63 (20mm, 3.5 g).

Obv: ·S·M·VENETI DVX ANTO’·VENERIO, St. Mark standing right, lowering head to and receiving banner from Doge kneeling left.

Rev: ·SIT·T·XPE·DAT’·Q·TV REGIS·ISTE DVCAT’·, Christ standing facing, holding Gospels and raising hand in benediction, surrounded by mandorla containing nine stars.

FR-1229, Papadopoli 1; Paolucci 1. extremely fine
View Coin ENGLAND Henry VI, First Reign (1422-1461), AR Groat (4P) ENGLAND - PRE-1603 Calais 1422-1427 AR 4P (1422-27) England CALAIS S-1836 HENRY VI N.1427; S.1836 NGC XF 45 (3.71g.; Annulet Issue, Calais Mint)

Obv: Incurved Pierced Cross, facing bust of Henry with an annulet either side of neck, within a tressure of nine arcs, +HENRIC' DI' GRA' REX ANGLIE Z FRANC.

Rev: long cross pattée, trefoil of pellets in each angle, annulet in 2nd and 3rd, VILLA CALISIE, double saltire stops, POSVI DEVM ADIVTORE MEVM. Very fine, iridescent toning.

(N.1427; S.1836)
View Coin FRANCE, ROYAL Henry VI (As King of France) 1422-1453 Salut d'Or POLAND - TO 1668 Rouen 1422-1453 AV 3P 1619 Leopard BROMBERG FR-301 NGC MS 62 (27mm, Rouen mint, m.m. Leopard).

Obv: HENRICVS DEI GRA FRACORV Z AGLIE REX, a plain annulet under the X of REX, around inner circle, the shields of France and England with the scene of the Annunciation above, the archangel Gabriel right, the Virgin Mary left, a radiate sun above from which the word AVE springs (reads upwards), all within.

Rev: XPC VIHICT XPC REGNAT XPC IMPARAT, a Latin cross dividing a lis and leopard, h below, all within a tressure of 10 double arches, a plain annulet under the T of IMPARAT.

Subtle original toning and fully struck peripheral legends.

View Coin ITALIAN STATES | NAPLES 1442-1458 AV Ducato e Mezzo of Alfonso I of Aragon ITALY - TO 1600 1.5D (1442-58) NAPLES FR-816 ALFONSO I OF ARAGON NGC MS 63 (27mm, 5.3g) Obv: + : ALFOnSV : D : G : R : ARAGO : SICI : CIT : VLT :, quartered arms of Hungary, Jerusalem, Aragon, and Naples. Rev: + • DnS • M • ADIVT • ET EGO • DESPICI • InMICO • M •, armored knight on horseback with sword raised riding right.

A handsome example of this issue, well-struck and lustrous with a lovely deep-golden patina. The legends are slightly different than either example in MIR, although closer to MIR-53. This coin was issued at the beginning of Aragonese rule in Naples following Alfonso's protracted siege of the city.

Fr-816, Biaggi-1662 var, MIR-53 var.
View Coin FRANCE, ROYAL | Louis XII 1498-1515 Ecu d'Or au Porc-epic FRANCE - TO 1600 ECU'OR (1498-1515) FR-325 LOUIS XII NGC AU 58 (27mm, 3.50 gm). Montpellier mint. Struck 1507. Obv: +LVdOVICVS: dEI: GRA: FRANCORVM: REX, crowned arms flanked by porcupines. Rev: +XPS: VINCIT: XPS: REGNAT: XPS: IMPERAT, cross; L's and porcupines in quarters.

Duplessy 655; Ciani 909; Friedberg 325. Superb EF
View Coin ENGLAND - Henry VIII 1509-1526 Angel ENGLAND - PRE-1603 ANGEL (1509-26) England S-2265 HENRY VIII NGC AU 53 1st Coinage of 1509-26, Portcullis Crowned mm.

Obv: × ҺEnRIC’ × VIII’ × DI’ × GRA’ × REX × AGL’ × Z × F’ ×, Archangel Michael slaying the dragon to right with spear terminating in cross crosslet.

Rev: PER × CRVCE’ × TVA’ × SALVA × nOS × XPE’ × REDE’, ship bearing shield and cross, Һ and rose to left and right of cross.

A pleasing example retaining some luster, on a nice round flan with good outer beaded rims, the dragon-devil not sharp at the head but Saint Michael as well as the royal shield on reverse both well detailed overall, and the mintmark on each side is also sharp. Old-gold color as well. A classic of the Tudor Age.

S-2265, North-1760

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