CGC Registry

Fantasy Masterpieces/Marvel Super-Heroes #1-31 (JSE)

Set Type: Fantasy Masterpieces & Marvel Super-Heroes #1-#31
Owner: MarvelMovers
Last Modified: 1/31/2024
Views: 472

Rank: 7
Score: 1790
Leading by: 443
Points to Higher Rank: 31
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0949962001 Removed -170 17901/31/2024 5:31:03 AM
0949962001 Slot Score Increased* 30 19604/6/2023 3:01:41 PM
0949961005 Removed -90 19308/20/2022 11:49:38 PM
0098084022 Slot Score Increased* 1080 20205/4/2018 11:46:33 AM
0949961005 Added 90 94012/27/2013 4:10:34 AM
0949962001 Added 140 85012/27/2013 4:10:12 AM
0949961019 Added 140 71012/27/2013 4:09:42 AM
0098084022 Added 570 57012/27/2013 4:09:42 AM
Initial Score 0 012/27/2013 4:09:35 AM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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