CGC Registry

Crisis? What Crisis?!

Set Type: Justice League of America (1963) #1-#100
Owner: MintyMint
Last Modified: 6/21/2024
Views: 1235

Rank: 1
Score: 59015
Leading by: 6449
Points to Higher Rank: 54433

Set Description:

After reaching the summit in 2018 by putting together what was at that point by far the finest JLA run ever assembled on the registry (with #1 and #2 in 9.6, multiple copies in 9.8, and a total of 202,035 points for issues 1-75 only), I decided that a run in 9.4 let me free up a chunk of change while still giving me a lot of fun from a collecting point of view.

That was until recently when I sold the bulk of the set to help fund a new business venture. Thanks for the memories and happy collecting! -Mike Pope
comic_category_sm Set Typecomic_category_sm Set Typecomic_collector_sm Best Collector

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