The Wonderful World of Ancient Coin Collecting
Coinage of the Roman Empire


Coin Details


Set Details

Coin Description:
Grade: NGC Ch VF Surface: 4/5 Surface: 4/5
Owner: RAM-VT
Set Category: Ancients
Set Name: The Wonderful World of Ancient Coin Collecting
Slot Name: Coinage of the Roman Empire
Research: Currently not available

Owner's Description

Roman Empire Antoinus Pius AD138 - 161 Copper As RIC 921: Sear #4294 Ch VF - Strike 5/5 - Surface 4/5 Census - NGC does not provide census info on ancient coins :>( The Obv. Shows a laureate head of Antonius Pius right with the legend ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XVII The Rev. Shows Annona stg. facing, hd. r., resting r. hand on modius set on the base and holding branch in l., basket of fruit at feet to r., with the legend ANNONA AVG COS IIII S C. Annona (from Latin annus, year), in Roman mythology, is the personification of the produce (such as grain) of the year. She frequently occurs on coins of the empire. Antoninus (born AD 86), was Roman Emperor from 138 to 161. He acquired much favor with the Emperor Hadrian, who adopted him as his son and successor on 25 February 138, after the death of his first adopted son Lucius Aelius, on the condition that Antoninus would in turn adopt Marcus Annius Verus, the son of his wife's brother, and Lucius, son of Aelius Verus, who afterwards became the emperors Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus. On his accession, Antoninus' name became "Imperator Caesar Titus Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus Augustus Pontifex Maximus". One of his first acts as Emperor was to persuade the Senate to grant divine honours to Hadrian, which they had at first refused; his efforts to persuade the Senate to grant these honours is the most likely reason given for his title of Pius (dutiful in affection; compare pietas). Two other reasons for this title are that he would support his aged father-in-law with his hand at Senate meetings, and that he had saved those men that Hadrian, during his period of ill-health, had condemned to death. My cost $135.

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