The Wonderful World of Ancient Coin Collecting
Coinage of the Roman Empire


Coin Details


Set Details

Coin Description:
Grade: NGC XF Strike: 3/5 Surface: 3/5
Owner: RAM-VT
Set Category: Ancients
Set Name: The Wonderful World of Ancient Coin Collecting
Slot Name: Coinage of the Roman Empire
Research: Currently not available

Owner's Description

The Seleucid Kingdom Antiochus VII, 138-129 BC AR Tetradrachm Grade XF; Strike 3/5; Surface 3/5: Sear #7092 Census - NGC does not provide census info on ancient coins :>( Obv.: Antiochus ViII’s diad. hd. r,: fillet boader Rev.: Athena stg. l., holding Nike, spear & shield Antiochus VII Euergetes, nicknamed Sidetes, ruler of the Hellenistic Seleucid Empire, reigned from 138 to 129 BC. He was the last Seleucid king of any stature. He was one of the sons of Demetrius I Soter, the brother of Demetrius II Nicator. Antiochus was elevated after Demetrius' capture by the Parthians. He married Cleopatra Thea, who had been the wife of Demetrius. Their offspring was Antiochus IX, who thus became both half-brother and cousin to Seleucus V and Antiochus VIII. Antiochus VII defeated the usurper Tryphon at Dora and laid siege to Jerusalem in 134. According to Josephus the Hasmonean king John Hyrcanus opened King David's sepulchre and removed three thousand talents, which he then paid Antiochus to spare the city. Nevertheless, Antiochus' respectful treatment of the vanquished Jews, and respect for their religion, earned him their gratitude and added name, Euergetes (the "Benefactor"). Antiochus spent the final years of his life attempting to reclaim the lost Eastern territories, overrun by the Parthians under their "Great King", Mithridates I. Marching east, with what would prove to be the last great Seleucid Royal Army (including a force of Judean mercenaries under John Hyrcanus), he defeated Mithridates in two battles, killing the aged Parthian king in the last of these. He restored Mesopotamia, Babylonia and Media to the Seleucid empire, before dispersing his army into winter quarters. While Antiochus VII was in his winter quarters with his army dispersed the new Parthian ruler, Phraates II, had not been idle; raising a new army while stirring up rebellion in the Seleucid occupied towns of Media. Hoping to further sew dissension amongst his foe, Phraates also released his long-held prisoner, Demetrius II, Antiochus' older brother; to return to Syria and reclaim the throne. That winter (130-129 BCE), several Median towns rose in rebellion and attacked their Seleucid garrisons. Antiochus marched to support one such isolated garrison with only a small force (likely only his Royal Guards). In a barren valley, he was ambushed and killed by Phraates II and a large force of Parthians; which had entered the country without being detected. The last great Seleucid king died in battle, a fitting end for the heir of Seleucus I Nicator (the Conqueror). My cost for this coin was $154

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