The Wonderful World of Ancient Coin Collecting
Coinage of the Roman Empire


Coin Details


Set Details

Coin Description:
Grade: NGC Ch AU Surface: 4/5 Surface: 4/5
Owner: RAM-VT
Set Category: Ancients
Set Name: The Wonderful World of Ancient Coin Collecting
Slot Name: Coinage of the Roman Empire
Research: Currently not available

Owner's Description

Roman Empire Severus Alexander AD222-235 AR Denarius RIC 65: Sear #7903 Grade: Ch AU Strike: 3/5 Surface: 4/5 Census - NGC does not provide census info on ancient coins :>( Obv. IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG: Laureate, draped bust of Serverus Alexander r. Rev. Annona stg. l., holding corn-ears and cornucopiae, modius at feet Severus Alexander (Marcus Aurelius Severus Alexander) Alexander was the last emperor of the Severan dynasty. He succeeded his cousin Elagabalus upon the latter's assassination in 222, and was ultimately assassinated himself, marking the epoch event for the Crisis of the Third Century — nearly fifty years of civil wars, foreign invasion, and collapse of the monetary economy. Alexander was the heir apparent to his cousin, the eighteen-year-old Emperor who had been murdered along with his mother by his own guards, who, as a mark of contempt, had their remains cast into the Tiber river. He and his cousin were both grandsons of the influential and powerful Julia Maesa, who had arranged for Elagabalus' acclamation as emperor by the famed Third Gallic Legion. It was the rumor of Alexander's death that triggered the assassination of Elagabalus and his mother . As emperor, Alexander's peace time reign was prosperous. In military conflict against the rising Sassanid Empire, there are mixed accounts, though the Sassanid threat was checked; however, when campaigning against Germanic tribes of Germania, Alexander apparently alienated his legions by engaging in diplomacy and bribery, and they assassinated him. My cost was $110

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