The Wonderful World of Ancient Coin Collecting
Coinage of the Roman Empire


Coin Details


Set Details

Coin Description:
Grade: NGC Ch VF* Surface: 4/5 Surface: 4/5
Owner: RAM-VT
Set Category: Ancients
Set Name: The Wonderful World of Ancient Coin Collecting
Slot Name: Coinage of the Roman Empire
Research: Currently not available

Owner's Description

Roman Provincial Coinage Issue of Trace Rhoemetalces I, 11BC-AD12 AE23 - Sear #5396 Ch VF* - Strike 5/5 - Surface 4/5 Census - NGC does not provide census info on ancient coins :>( Obv. - Bare head right of Augustus Rev. - Conjoined busts right of Rhoemetalkes and his Queen Youroukova Augustus appointed Rhoemetalkes I ruler of the whole of Trace in 11 BC and he governed the country well until his death in AD 12. So this coin comes from the period when Trace first came under the influence of Roman. This also accounts for the bust of Augustus being on the coin. Although I have a few high grade silver and billon ancients I am most pleased with several of my ancient bronzes such as this one. My pleasure is a result of the coins grade, its condition and its cost. This coin grades Ch VF* with condition descriptors of Strike: 5/5 Surface: 4/5. The kicker here for me is the star “*” assigned to the grade. This is a real bonus. My cost was $67 (eBay) which may have been a real steal.

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