CGC Registry

Marathon Planet

Set Type: Planet Comics
Owner: Ephus
Last Modified: 11/11/2022
Views: 3212

Rank: 2
Score: 39568
Leading by: 10733
Points to Higher Rank: 85971

Set Description:

Planet Comics is the leading title to come out of Fiction House Publishing. The stories are above average along with some nice interior art. The one thing that puts Planets above many other titles of the 40's and 50's is their fabulously striking covers. They show fun and alluring depictions of aliens, monsters, space heroes, asteroids, mysterious worlds, and (on most) a damsel in distress. My favorite story series within the title is Hunt Bowman and the Lost World. I have read a fair share of the installments of Hunt and his friend Lyssa and they have all been fun, well thought out and drawn story lines. It is my goal within this collection to pursue and collect these books in high grade. I am not necessarily interested in collecting the run and "filling in the holes". They truely are cool to look at and hold in your hands when they are in great condition so it is worth the wait to find them in superb condition. A few of the books I have in the registry might not be considered by some to be in high grade. One thing about Fiction House books is that the ink on the covers can be drastically different from one book to the next even with the same issue. If I see an issue with a bold cover, it very well could take a spot in my collection over a technically higher grade. I am often asked, "what is High Grade?" As far as Planet Comics are concerned, my opinion is that for issues 1-30 and 65-73 that 8.0 or higher is high grade. For issues 31-64, 9.0 or higher is high grade. The only exception to this is for issues 13,14,15, and 17. These are supremely difficult to find and even more rare to find for sale. Almost any well presenting copies of these would be cherished in this collection.

The above description I wrote in late 2007 and have since sold a group of 18 Planets in late 2010 and kept 4. Hey what can I say, life happens. My intentions are still intact to collect superb issues of Planet. The only addendum to what I wrote in 2007 is that I am intrigued by adding certain pedigrees to this group of books, so a book not meeting the technical grade threshold that is of a "new to me" pedigree then it might be added as well. In most cases, pedigree books should meet grade requirements. If you have any High Grade Planets that you would like to sell, just let me know at Thanks for stopping by to look at my run of Planets.
I hope you enjoy the scans. Make it a great day!
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