Marathon Planet
Planet Comics 41

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Comic Description: Planet Comics 41 Universal
Grade: 9.2
Page Quality: WHITE
Certification #: 3877714002
Owner: Ephus


Custom Sets: This comic is not in any custom sets.
Sets Competing: Marathon Planet  Score: 1950
Research: See CGC's Census Report for this Comic

Owner's Description

The cover of 41 is great featuring Mysta of the moon, her robot busting through a door, a Villain with snakes for hair and a basket full of snakes for good measure. One detail that I think is cool is that Mysta is not only strapped to the table by her hands and ankles, but her hair is pinned down to the table in several places. Very cool book with nice bright colors front and back. This cover is usually seen with yellow-orange tones and this one is closer to orange-red. This issue is a great read too. Lost Planet story line has Hunt and Lyssa destroying a huge Volta Power Plant, fighting a dinosaur, engaged in fighting with Volta men on futuristic motorcycles, and being saved by a new friend named Schultz. Sound action packed or what? Schultz says he is the last survivor of Lake Institute. What is the Lake Institute you ask? You will have to read and see what device from the Institute he "shows off" to the Volta men. Also, a well written and drawn Gale Allen story. She fights a lost civilization of Itecs and gets almost too close with a group of giant spiders the size of elephants!
Mysta of the moon story is cool too where her enemy for this story is a crazed man who has an army of hands. The second picture posted for this comic shows the hand army carrying off survivors of a rocket crash that the hands caused. This story is Freaky and Cool at the same time. Also a panel in this story shows a Space General blowing his own brains out with a ray gun. Lots and lots of great stories here, I could go on and on. Pick this one up for the awesome classic Cover first and the stories will not dissappoint. Lastly, the White Pages designation on this copy is pretty cool too.

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