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BRAZIL - GOLD - Circulation Set (1645-2016)

Category:  World Coins
Owner:  MF Collection
Last Modified:  8/24/2024
Set Description
Complete Circulation Set, using LMB (Livro das Moedas do Brasil) as reference for the slot numbers.

Set Goals
31% complete: 237 coins (226 graded, 10 raw, 1 clipped) of 756 total; attempting to build as complete a set as possible

Slot Name
Item Description
Full Grade
Owner Comments
View Coin LMB-5 BRAZIL COLONIAL/IMPERIAL 12F 1645 GWC PERNAMBUCO DUTCH COLONY NGC MS 62 A Luminous Early Dutch-Brazilian Coinage
Pernambuco. Dutch Colony - Geoctroyeede West-Indische Compagnie (GWC) gold Klippe 12 Guilders (Florins) 1645 MS62 NGC, KM7.1 (Rare), LMB-5, Angelini/Lucio-3.1a. (this coin), Scholten-1446 (RRR). 7.56gm. Variety with punctuation after BRASIL. An remarkable testimony of Dutch Brazil. These siege coins were struck during the Portuguese-Dutch war, where the Iberians reclaimed Brazil. Seldom-seen, they were extremely rare previous to the discovery of the Utrecht, a Dutch war ship that sunk in 1648 during a battle with Portuguese galleons. Other than the later source, these coins have been found in small hoards over the last century, adding to the few already cataloged in prestigious collections since the late 19th century. Plated in the most recent and complete reference regarding Brazilian-Dutch coins, The Dutch Obsidional Coins in Brazil, by authors Claudio M. Angelini and Hilton A. Magri Lucio, this crisp example displays fully rendered devices, struck with rusty dies, bearing a near-complete circle of pearls, very bold for the issue. The largest denomination of this short-lived series, destined to integrate the most discerning coin cabinets.

During the period of Dutch colonization of Brazil (1630-1654), three gold Klippe denominations--of 3, 6, and 12 Guilders--were minted in the Captaincy of Pernambuco for use within Brazil, beginning in October 1645 under the supervision of mint-master Pieter Janssen Bas. However, these issues were not legal tender in the Netherlands, and thus any such pieces that made their way to Europe were exchanged for Dutch Guilders and subsequently melted. Additionally, any such pieces remaining in Brazil after 1654, when the Dutch were finally ousted from South America, would have been melted, as after this period any Portuguese or Brazilian found with a Dutch coin ran the risk of being considered a traitor and hanged. As a consequence, the survival of such pieces at all, let alone this fine, is extremely uncommon, marking a special opportunity not to be missed by collectors of the Dutch colonial and Brazilian series alike.
View Coin LMB-28 BRAZIL COLONIAL/IMPERIAL 1000R 1700(R) NGC MS 62 Sole Mint State Specimen of Type
Pedro II gold 1000 Reis 1700-(R) MS62 NGC, Rio de Janeiro mint, KM96, cf. LMB-28 (unlisted variety). "PORTV.REX.?" variety. Presently the only Mint State specimen certified across NGC and PCGS, besting the Petropolis examples which grade at comparatively wanting UNC and AU Details. Flash and fitness of definition combine for supreme eye appeal, making this specimen likely one of the finest extant of this type.
View Coin LMB-30 BRAZIL COLONIAL/IMPERIAL 2000R 1700(R) NGC AU 58 Missing from the Banco Espirito Santo Collection
Pedro II gold 2000 Reis 1700-(R) AU58 NGC, Rio de Janeiro mint, KM97, LMB-30, Guimaraes-1700-1a. "PORTVG.REX?" variety. Standing as the sole finest graded by either NGC or PCGS, at the cusp of Mint State, the example offered presents fully engraved motifs with hints of luster to the crevices and a nice coppery patina. Only the forth example we have managed to locate at auction in the last couple of decades, missing from the BES (Banco Espírito Santo) and Eliasberg collections, the Norweb specimen cataloged as XF and the RLM piece grading XF Details.

Ex. Heritage Auction #3016 (January 2012, Lot 23407)

Ex-Petropolis Collection, Part I
View Coin LMB-31e BRAZIL COLONIAL/IMPERIAL 4000R 1699(R) NGC AU 55 Pedro II gold 4000 Reis 1699 AU55 NGC, Rio de Janeiro mint, KM98. Muted golden color with light rose peripheral toning.
View Coin LMB-33 BRAZIL COLONIAL/IMPERIAL 2000R 1703R NGC AU Details An Acclaimed Rarity of the Brazilian Series
Pedro II gold 2000 Reis 1703-R AU Details (Bent) NGC, Rio de Janeiro mint, KM100, LMB-33, Guimaraes-1703-1.1. "RRRR" variety. One year type. A marvelous key in the Brazilian gold series and the first type to bear the Rio de Janeiro mint mark. Though graded as bent, the flan irregularity (seen to the right of the crown on the obverse and to the upper left quarter of the cross on the reverse) seems to be a characteristic of the issue itself, the example offered showing virtually original and detailed surfaces. One of two pieces auctioned in the last 20 years and missing from the Norweb and Eliasberg collections, the RLM piece grading XF Details, it's an offering that will likely pique the interest of advanced Brazilian type collectors.

Ex. Heritage Auction #3009 (April 2010, Lot 20651)

Ex-Petropolis Collection, Part I
View Coin LMB-34 BRAZIL COLONIAL/IMPERIAL 4000R 1703R NGC MS 64 Pedro II gold 4000 Reis 1703-R MS64 NGC, Rio de Janeiro mint, KM101, LMB-34. First year of issue. A crackling near-Gem showing intricate motifs and lustrous, velveteen fields. The second highest graded recorded by both NGC and PCGS.
View Coin LMB-37 BRAZIL COLONIAL/IMPERIAL 2000R 1725R NGC AU Details Pedro II gold 4000 Reis 1706-R AU Details (Rim Repair) NGC, Rio de Janeiro mint, KM101, LMB-37, Guimaraes-1706-1.1. The key-date of the series, presenting impressive surfaces with fully-struck motifs and a uniform antique-gold patina. An extremely elusive issue, missing from the Eliasberg, RLM, Norweb and other major collections, it's only the second specimen we were able to locate at auction in the last few decades and will likely engage advanced Brazilian type collectors.

Ex. Heritage Auction #3021 (January 2013, Lot 20096)

Ex-Petropolis Collection, Part I
View Coin LMB-51 BRAZIL COLONIAL/IMPERIAL 1000R 1725B NGC AU 55 A High Grade Key
João V gold 1000 Reis (Quartinho) 1725-B AU55 NGC, Bahia mint, KM104, LMB-51, Guimaraes-1725-1.1. A high grade key from the Brazilian series, showcasing crisply struck motifs and blushes of luster glowing from the fields. Missing from the RLM, Eliasberg and other advanced collections, it bears the finest grade recorded by NGC.

Ex. Santa Catarina Collection (Heritage Auction #3037, January 2015, Lot 29102)

Ex-Petropolis Collection, Part I
View Coin LMB-55 BRAZIL COLONIAL/IMPERIAL 2000R 1716B NGC AU 58 João V gold 2000 Reis 1716-B AU58 NGC, Bahia mint, KM105. Quite appealing, with significant luster in the fields and only a minimal amount of rub in the high points justifying the assigned grade. Light peachy toning throughout.
View Coin LMB-61 BRAZIL COLONIAL/IMPERIAL 4000R 1715B NGC MS 63 Guimaraes Notes 5 Known
João V gold 4000 Reis 1715-B MS63 NGC, Bahia mint, KM106, LMB-61, Guimaraes-1715-1.1 (5 known). An extremely elusive date, second key of the entire issue, showcasing Choice Mint State surfaces with chiseled devices and satin lustrous fields. The sole finest example graded by NGC or PCGS, missing altogether from the Eliasberg, Norweb, RLM and other important collections, and the only piece we have located auctioned in the last 20 years.

Ex. Heritage Auction #3042 (September 2015, Lot 29371)

Ex-Petropolis Collection, Part I
View Coin LMB-62 BRAZIL COLONIAL/IMPERIAL 4000R 1716B NGC UNC Details João V gold 4000 Reis 1716-B UNC Details (Saltwater Damage) NGC, Bahia mint, KM106, LMB-62, Guimaraes-1716-1.1. Fully-engraved with intricate motifs and the characteristic saltwater matte-brilliance to the surfaces.

Ex-Petropolis Collection, Part I
View Coin LMB-66 BRAZIL COLONIAL/IMPERIAL 4000R 1720B NGC MS 61 João V gold 4000 Reis 1720-B MS61 NGC, Bahia mint, KM106, Fr-30, LMB-66. An exceptionally lustrous piece, yielding to the viewer an array of pleasing features, such as an entrancing golden-orange tone and sharply struck devices. Tremendous eye-appeal abounds throughout. Ex Ipanema Collection.
View Coin LMB-71 BRAZIL COLONIAL/IMPERIAL 4000R 1725B NGC MS 61 João V gold 4000 Reis 1725-B MS61 NGC, Bahia mint, KM106, Fr-30, Gomes-103.12. Strongly rendered detail is enhanced by bright flashy luster in this offering of great conditional rarity. The finest example seen by NGC out of only two to-date. Ex Paulistana Collection.
View Coin LMB-72 BRAZIL COLONIAL/IMPERIAL 4000R 1726B NGC AU 55 João V gold 4000 Reis 1726-B AU55 NGC, Bahia mint, KM106, cf. LMB-72, Guimaraes-1726-1.1. A lightly handled survivor from this conditionally challenging issue, showcasing crisp peripheries and lustrous fields.

Ex. Ponterio Auction 145 (January 2008, Lot 468)

Ex-Petropolis Collection, Part I
View Coin LMB-73 BRAZIL COLONIAL/IMPERIAL 4000R 1727B NGC AU 55 João V gold 4000 Reis 1727-B AU55 NGC, Bahia mint, KM106, Fr-30, LMB-73. Fully struck and perfectly centered with minimal circulation wear visible only at the higher points. The first of this mint-date combination that we have had the privilege to offer. Ex Paulistana Collection.
View Coin LMB-85 BRAZIL COLONIAL/IMPERIAL 12800R 1727B SECOND SHIELD LEAF BELOW ARMS NGC AU 58 Brasil. 1727. Juan V. B (Bahía). 1 dobra (12800 reis). (Fr. 50) (Gomes 135.1). AU. En cápsula de la 6.500,00
NGC como MS58, no 3725453-015. Bella. Ex Heritage 08/01/2017, no 34119. Ex Numisma 03/10/2017,
no 132. Muy rara. EBC/EBC+.
View Coin LMB-94-A BRAZIL COLONIAL/IMPERIAL 6400R 1729B KM-134 NGC UNC Details Superb Discovery Piece - One of Only Three Known Examples

João V gold 6400 Reis 1729-B UNC Details (Scratches) NGC, Bahia mint, cf. KM137 (for shield type, date unlisted), Prober-Unl., Gomes-Unl., LMB-94A (three examples known), Bentes-Unl. Second Shield type. An incredible series rarity that has only recently become publicly recognized and since featured on the 16th edition cover of Livro das Moedas do Brasil. As recently as the 15th edition of this standard Brazilian reference, the 1729-B "Second Shield" 6400 Reis remained unlisted, while the latest edition states that only three examples are known. This statement matches our own knowledge of the number of examples extant, rendering the offering as one of incredible importance to all advanced collectors of Brazilian gold coinage. In fact, it may therefore be said that this previously undocumented discovery piece represents a tremendous opportunity that has hitherto been, quite literally, unachievable.

A subtle texturing to the surfaces is indicative of exposure to saltwater. Yet, the devices appear as sharp as when the coin was struck nearly three centuries ago--with João's hair curls and equally crisps legends yielding an impression of clarity that exceeds the example displayed on the cover of Livro das Moedas do Brasil. Isolated scratches are noted in the upper left quadrant of the reverse, but the offering is otherwise free of individually significant marks or serious signs of handling. All said, the rarity of this specimen cannot be overstated, and we are excited to play a small part in an unfolding story as this intriguing treasure reaches the auction block for the very first time, thereby making history.
View Coin LMB-113 BRAZIL COLONIAL/IMPERIAL 800R 1747B NGC AU Details Missing from the RLM and other Major Collections
João V gold 800 Reis 1747-B AU Details (Edge filing) NGC, Bahia mint, KM123, LMB-113, Guimaraes-1747-1.1. 4th Shield. A seldom-seen type, presenting lightly handled motifs with hints of luster to the crevices. Tied with the other single example graded by NGC or PCGS and only the second piece auctioned in the last couple of decades, it's missing entirely from the Norweb, Eliasberg and RLM collections.

Ex. Numisma Auction 86 (December 2010, Lot 220)

Ex-Petropolis Collection, Part I
View Coin LMB-121 BRAZIL COLONIAL/IMPERIAL 1600R 1743B NGC AU Details An Elusive Plate Coin
João V gold 1600 Reis 1743-B AU Details (Obverse Scratched) NGC, Bahia mint, KM128, LMB-121 (this coin), Guimaraes-1743-1.1. 4th shield. A highly scarce issue, well represented by this specimen which figures as the plate coin for the type on the 2021 edition of Livro das Moedas do Brasil. Struck with rusty dies, it shows only lightly handled motifs, well defined and toned, and a minor mark to the upper right of the shield. The sole piece certified by NGC.

Ex. Heritage Auction #3015 (September 2011, Lot 23632)

Ex-Petropolis Collection, Part I
View Coin LMB-134 BRAZIL COLONIAL/IMPERIAL 6400R 1734B ARMS WITH TASSELS NGC AU 53 Guimaraes Notes 2 Known
João V gold 6400 Reis (Peça) 1734-B AU53 NGC, Bahia mint, KM151 (Rare), LMB-134, Guimaraes-1734-1.1 (2 known). Fourth shield. An extremely elusive issue, Guimaraes noting 2 examples known to him, the piece offered showing remarkably original surfaces with satin luster emanating from the crisp surfaces. The sole piece graded by either NGC or PCGS, entirely missing from the RLM, Eliasberg and other major collections, a prize for the advanced Brazilian type collectors.

Ex. Heritage Auction #3044 (January 2016, Lot 31100)

Ex-Petropolis Collection, Part I
View Coin LMB-135 BRAZIL COLONIAL/IMPERIAL 6400R 1735B NGC UNC Details João V gold 6400 Reis (Peça) 1735-B UNC Details (Cleaned) NGC, Bahia mint, KM151, LMB-135, Guimaraes-1735-1.1 (5 known). Fourth shield. Another rarity from the Bahia mint, this offering has muted surfaces with boldly rendered devices and blushes of underlying luster. From the three certified by NGC, none has achieved a Mint State grade, the RLM piece being an AU Details.

Ex Petropolis Collection

View Coin LMB-136 BRAZIL COLONIAL/IMPERIAL 6400R 1736B NGC AU Details João V gold 6400 Reis 1736-B AU Details (Cleaned) NGC, Bahia mint, KM151, LMB-136. Uniformly and seemingly fully struck, any minor loss of detail present attributable to only brief circulation. A small scrape is noted to the right of João's portrait for accuracy.
View Coin LMB-140 BRAZIL COLONIAL/IMPERIAL 6400R 1740/30B NGC XF Details João V gold 6400 Reis 1740/30-B XF Details (Cleaned) NGC, Bahia mint, KM151, LMB-140. An elusive overdate variety - the first of its kind that we have offered to-date.
View Coin LMB-142 BRAZIL COLONIAL/IMPERIAL 6400R 1742B NGC UNC Details João V gold 6400 Reis (Peça) 1742-B UNC Details (Cleaned) NGC, Bahia mint, KM151, LMB-142, Guimaraes-1742-1.1. Fourth shield. A chiseled piece, struck with fresh dies and expressing a much higher quality strike than the usually seen from this issue. Bearing fully engraved devices and luminous fields, a year missing from the RLM collection and sure to please its future owner.

Ex-Petropolis Collection, Part I
View Coin LMB-143 BRAZIL COLONIAL/IMPERIAL 6400R 1743B NGC AU 55 João V gold 6400 Reis (Peça) 1743-B AU58 NGC, Bahia mint, KM151, LMB-143, Guimaraes-1743-2.2. Fourth shield. No dot after mintmark variety. A shadow of a dot can be seen on the example offered, though clearly an element erased from the die for unknown reasons. All the examples we have managed to locate have clear and crisp dots, leading us to believe this is likely the no dot variety described by Guimaraes. A borderline Mint State piece, showcasing boldly rendered motifs and antique-gold surfaces.

Ex-Petropolis Collection, Part I
View Coin LMB-145 BRAZIL COLONIAL/IMPERIAL 6400R 1745B NGC AU 58 João V gold 6400 Reis (Peça) 1745-B AU58 NGC, Bahia mint, KM151, LMB-145, Guimaraes-1745-2.2. Fourth shield. Plain 4 variety. A luminous survivor, showcasing sharp and lustrous surfaces, graced by shades of sunset toning.

Ex-Petropolis Collection, Part I
View Coin LMB-147 BRAZIL COLONIAL/IMPERIAL 6400R 1747B NGC AU 58 João V gold 6400 Reis (Peça) 1747-B AU58 NGC, Bahia mint, KM151, LMB-147, Guimaraes-1747-1.1. Fourth shield. No dot variety. Struck with minimally rusty dies, but definitely compensating with deeply-engraved surfaces, exhibiting chiseled and sharp motifs upon lustrous golden fields.

Ex. Ponterio Auction 148 (January 2009, Lot 509)

Ex-Petropolis Collection, Part I
View Coin LMB-148 BRAZIL COLONIAL/IMPERIAL 6400R 1748B NGC AU 58 João V gold 6400 Reis 1748-B AU58 NGC, Bahia mint, KM151, LMB-148. Flashy at the peripheries, with a quasi-satiny appearance throughout the majority of the surfaces resulting in an inviting appeal, the general sharpness of the devices and quality of preservation leaving no doubt as to the near-Mint State quality of this specimen.
View Coin LMB-154 BRAZIL COLONIAL/IMPERIAL 1000R 1708R NGC VF 25 João V gold 1000 Reis 1708-R VF25 NGC, Rio de Janeiro mint, KM103, LMB-154, Guimaraes-1708-1.1. An elusive two-year type, offered here with problem-free surfaces showing moderate handled motifs and even wear, the RLM piece grading VF Details.

Ex Petropolis Collection, Part I (Source: Heritage Auctions catalog)

View Coin LMB-156 BRAZIL COLONIAL/IMPERIAL 2000R 1723/2R NGC XF 40 João V gold 2000 Reis 1723/2-R XF40 NGC, Rio de Janeiro mint, KM112, LMB-156. Moderately circulated with pockets of luster preserved in the protected areas. A desirable harvest gold example of this overdate variety.
View Coin LMB-157 BRAZIL COLONIAL/IMPERIAL 2000R 1725/3R NGC UNC Details João V gold 2000 Reis 1725/3-R UNC Details (Cleaned) NGC, Rio de Janeiro mint, cf. KM112 (overdate unlisted), LMB-157 (same). The sole example of this very clear overdate we have seen, with the overall cleaning noted on the holder seeming relatively light and just muting the luster.
View Coin LMB-161 BRAZIL COLONIAL/IMPERIAL 4000R 1709R NGC UNC Details João V gold 4000 Reis 1709-R UNC Details (Cleaned) NGC, Rio de Janeiro mint, KM102, LMB-161, Guimaraes-1709-1.1. A chiseled survivor of this scarce date absent from RLM collection. Showcasing highly-detailed motifs and lemon-gold surfaces with a satin look that may indicate being salvaged from an unknown shipwreck, though we have no documentation to support that.

Ex. Numisma Auction 83 (April 2010, Lot 112)

Ex-Petropolis Collection, Part I
View Coin LMB-169 PORTUGAL 1601-1847 4000R 1717 NGC AU 58
View Coin LMB-174 BRAZIL COLONIAL/IMPERIAL 4000R 1722R NGC MS 62 João V gold 4000 Reis 1722-R MS62 NGC, Rio de Janeiro mint, KM102, LMB-174, Guimaraes-1722-2.2. An impressive survivor presenting razor-sharp motifs and bright golden fields.

Ex. II Latin-American Numismatic Congress Auction (December 2004, Lot 582)

From the Petropolis Collection, Part I (source: Heritage Auctions catalog)
View Coin LMB-176 BRAZIL COLONIAL/IMPERIAL 4000R 1724/3R NGC AU Details
View Coin LMB-177 BRAZIL COLONIAL/IMPERIAL 4000R 1725R NGC AU 58 João V gold 4000 Reis 1725-R AU58 NGC, Rio de Janeiro mint, KM102. Ex Santa Cruz Collection.
View Coin LMB-178 BRAZIL COLONIAL/IMPERIAL 4000R 1726R NGC UNC Details João V gold 4000 Reis 1726-R UNC Details (Reverse Cleaned) NGC, Rio de Janeiro mint, KM102, LMB-178, Guimaraes-1726-1.1. The penultimate date of this long-lived issue, seemingly quite scarce despite the catalog pricing compared to scarcer dates. Absent from the Eliasberg, RLM and other important collections, the example offered is the sole certified by the two major grading companies, with none auctioned in the last 20 years. Showing impressive surfaces with intricate motifs and semi-frosty lustrous fields, it bears a possible uncatalogued 1726/5 overdate. Certainly one of the most detailed Rio 4000 Reis the cataloger has ever seen.

Ex-Petropolis Collection, Part I
View Coin LMB-209 BRAZIL COLONIAL/IMPERIAL 6400R 1734R NGC AU Details João V gold 6400 Reis (Peça) 1734-R AU Details (Reverse Tooled) NGC, Rio de Janeiro mint, KM149, LMB-209, cf. Guimaraes-1734-1.1 (no overdate). Second type, italic shield. Unlisted by Guimaraes as a non-overdate issue, this chiseled survivor has detailed motifs and shades of luster to the outer peripheries. Another rarity likely to engage advanced Brazilian type collectors since it was absent from major collections such as the RLM and Eliasberg, with only a single 1734/3-R auctioned in the last two decades.

Ex-Petropolis Collection, Part I
View Coin LMB-214 BRAZIL COLONIAL/IMPERIAL 6400R 1739R NGC MS 62 1739. Brasil. Juan V. R (Río). 6400 reis (1 peça). (Fr. 46). AU. En cápsula de la NGC como MS62 nº 4785505-001. S/C-.
View Coin LMB-217 BRAZIL COLONIAL/IMPERIAL 6400R 1742R NGC AU 58 João V gold 6400 Reis (Peça) 1742-R AU58 NGC, Rio de Janeiro mint, KM149, LMB-217, Guimaraes-1742-1.1. Second type, italic shield. A virtually uncirculated survivor, presenting impressive detailed surfaces with fully-defined motifs and velveteen luminous fields.

Ex-Petropolis Collection, Part I
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