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1 of Each Slab NGC PCGS ANACS w/Photos

Category:  Other
Owner:  86Saab
Last Modified:  11/20/2023
Set Description
Examples of each different NGC, ANACS & PCGS holder. I hope this helps others collecting by generation until NGC & ANACS create a proper history of their own slabs.

Photos of each can be seen under gallery tab above.

NOTE: I want to send my thanks and appreciation for all the work done and the list of NGC holders created by Conder. What I have tried to do here is to simplify that list by including standard issue holders that hold only one coin. By eliminating GSA stickers, multi coin sets, special labels, and other oddities I have had to "rename" each generation after Gen 10. I will attempt to be accurate but I reserve the right to be incorrect and will fix mistakes when they are found or pointed out to me.

Set Goals
To have an example of each NGC & PCGS & ANACS slab of the standard type issued by them since the beginning including ANACS Photo Certificates...(78 and counting)

Slot Name
Item Description
Full Grade
Owner Comments
NGC Gen 1 United States 50C 1946 D Produced Sept. 1987 - Nov 1987. This 1st generation holder features a black insert. The white label was placed on rear and the logo on the front of holder. It is estimated that 3000 coins were slabbed in this holder. However it seems most were cracked out. Current census figures put the number of survivors known at only 49. This number will probably go up a bit as more are discovered over time... (Updated 11/12/23)

Rarity~Very Rare ......This coin's photos added to show an example only, It is not owned by me.
NGC Gen 2 United States $1 1923 Produced Nov. 1987 - Dec 1987 along with Gen 2.1. This holder features the white front label on a white insert and the rear features an embossed gold logo on outside of holder. This holder is believed to have been produced for about 2 weeks. Estimates are that 4000-5000 were produced, however that seems high unless this holder was produced longer currently believed. Current census figures put it at 266 known examples but this census was begun early 2019 so numbers will go up...
Rarity~Very Scarce (Updated 7/10/24)
View Coin NGC Gen 2.1 United States $1 1885 NGC MS 62 Produced in Nov. 1987. This holder features the white label on white insert and embossed rear logo on insert instead of outside of holder. It is now accepted that this holder was very likely used before Gen 2 but it is commonly known as Gen 2.1, I see no reason to mess with tradition. In any case both are scarce. This holder appears rarer than 2.0 and is believed to have been in production for about a week. It is estimated that about 3500 coins were slabbed in this holder. Current census figures put the number of survivors known at 257, census started in Jan 2012. This number will likely go up some as more are discovered...
Rarity ~ Very Scarce (Updated 7/10/24)
View Coin NGC Gen 3 United States $20 1924 NGC MS 62 NGC Gen 3
Produced Dec 1987 - Aug 1989. This holder features a revised front label with a border. Originally a brown/tan border but some of the ink changed/faded to green. The back of the holder retains the rear gold embossed logo. Even though this holder was produced for nearly two years, it is becoming more scarce as time goes by and commands a premium price.... Rarity ~ Uncommon
View Coin NGC Gen 3 United States $1 1925 NGC MS 63 NGC Gen 3
This holder produced Dec 1987 - Aug 1989, it is revised from prior gen holder with a border added to the front label, it is usually brown but is also seen in green. The reverse is unchanged retaining the gold embossed logo. Although this holder was produced for nearly two years, it is becoming more scarce as time goes by and is usually found at a premium price... Rarity ~ Uncommon
View Coin NGC Gen 4 United States $1 1896 NGC MS 63 NGC Gen 4
This holder was produced Aug 1989-1992, it is revised from prior gen holder with a hologram replacing the embossed gold logo on reverse. The front label remains unchanged and is also seen with a green border like Gen 3. While still fairly common it is seen less and less as time goes by... Rarity ~ Common
View Coin NGC Gen 5 United States $1 1925 NGC MS 64 NGC Gen 5
This holder was produced 1992 - 1995, it is revised from prior gen holder with a barcode added to the front label. The reverse is unchanged retaining the hologram from gen 4. Like gen 3 & 4 it is seen occasionally with a green border. Last of the no-Line fatty holders. Rarity ~ Common
View Coin NGC Gen 6 United States $1 1880 S NGC MS 63 NGC Gen 6
This holder was produced about 1995-1997, possibly just in 1996. The holder has been completely redesigned, it is a bit thinner, edges rounded and the insert has been "split/keyed" creating a dividing line between label and coin. Label and hologram are unchanged from gen 5... Rarity ~ Uncommon
View Coin NGC Gen 7 United States $1 1921 MORGAN NGC MS 63 NGC Gen 7
This holder was produced 1997 - Aug 2000. it's front label remains unchanged from gen 6 but has a new rear hologram... Rarity ~ Common
View Coin NGC Gen 8 United States $1 1882 S NGC MS 64 NGC Gen 8
This holder was produced Aug 2000 - Sept 2000 for 4 weeks. It has a revised front label with serial number moved below barcode and a slightly larger rear hologram than Gen 7. It's designed proved unpopular and was quickly discontinued... Rarity ~ Uncommon
View Coin NGC Gen 8.1 United States $1 1884 O NGC MS 63 NGC Gen 8.1
This holder was produced Sept 2000 - July 2001, it features a return to the front label design from Gen 7 but it retains the slightly larger hologram from Gen 8... Rarity ~ Occasional
View Coin NGC Gen 9 United States $1 1879 S NGC MS 63 NGC Gen 9
This holder was produced July 2001 - July 2003, it has a restyled front label with the company name added to the bottom section of the border but retains the the rear label from the Gen 8 holder... Rarity ~ Common
View Coin NGC Gen 10 United States $1 1974 S SILVER NGC MS 66 NGC Gen 10
This holder was produced July 2003 - Aug 2003, it has a new front label with NGC's website and logo replacing the company name along bottom of border, the grade is now in bold, and it has a different background design. The rear gets a new hologram with ANA's lamp logo... Rarity ~ Uncommon
View Coin NGC Gen 11 United States $1 1884 O NGC MS 63 NGC Gen 11
This holder was produced Aug 2003 - Nov 2003. it get a revised front label with NGC's website and logo replaced by the company name along bottom of border. It retains the rear hologram with the ANA's lamp logo from Gen 10... Rarity ~ Uncommon
View Coin NGC Gen 12 United States $1 1885 O NGC MS 63 NGC Gen 12
This holder was produced Nov 2003 - Nov 2004, it has the same front label of the gen 11 holder but has a redesigned rear hologram using the ANA's new crescent logo... Rarity ~ Occasional
View Coin NGC Gen 13 United States $1 1883 NGC MS 64 NGC Gen 13
This holder was produced Nov 2004 - Sept 2008. It is also known as Gen 17 when listed among all NGC labels and holders. This holder has a mildly restyled front label and an all new large rear hologram... Rarity ~ Common
View Coin NGC Gen 13.5 United States $1 1884 O NGC MS 62 NGC Gen 13.5
This holder was produced about Sept 2008 - Dec 2008 possibly into early 2009. This holder retains the solid insert of Gen 13 but the front and rear labels are redesigned and used also with Gen 14. I read that this was made alongside Gen 14 upon request or possibly used for bulk submissions or It may have been a transition holder but I do not know for sure. In any case I am calling it Gen 13.5 as it doesn't appear to be a stand alone holder...Rarity ~ Occasional
View Coin NGC Gen 14 United States $1 1885 O NGC MS 63 NGC Gen 14
This holder was produced about Sept 2008 - Feb 2015, it's insert is completely revised adding prongs to hold coins allowing viewing of the edges. The EdgeView holder has the same front and rear labels as what I call Gen 13.5... Rarity ~ Very Common
View Coin NGC Gen 14.1 United States $1 1881 S NGC MS 62 NGC Gen 14.1
This holder was produced in 2012 to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the original Gen 1 black holder. These black insert holders were available alongside the standard white insert holders on certain denominations of US coins. I thought they should be recognized along with the standard white holders, so I am calling this black insert holder Gen 14.1. I've left out black holders of later generations as they were used almost exclusively for bullion... Rarity ~ Occasional
View Coin NGC Gen 15 United States $1 1923 NGC MS 62 NGC Gen 15
This holder was produced about Feb 2015 - Oct 2015, the front label is unchanged from Gen 14 but the rear hologram has been revised... Rarity ~ Common
View Coin NGC Gen 16 United States $1 1881 S NGC MS 61 NGC Gen 16
This holder was produced about Oct 2015- Nov 2017, the front label has been redesigned but retains the rear hologram from Gen 15... Rarity ~ Very Common
View Coin NGC Gen 17 United States $1 1879 S NGC MS 64 NGC Gen 17
This holder was produced about Nov 2017 - Aug 2023, the front label is unchanged from Gen 16 but the rear hologram has been revised... Rarity ~ Very Common
View Coin NGC Gen 18 United States $1 1972 S SILVER NGC MS 66 NGC Gen 18
This holder has been produced from Aug 2023 - Present. This holder features a brand new security hologram on back. It appears that the front label and rest of holder remains unchanged from gen 17...Rarity Common
PCGS Gen 1.0 United States 50C 1963 Produced Feb 1986 for a few days. Label printed using a crude dot matrix. Label is white and has no ribbing like the later green labels. Nicknamed the "Rattler" due to the sound the coins make when shaken. Numbered starting with 1080000. It is estimated that only 900-1000 were produced. Current census figures put the number of known survivors at only 39.

Rarity ~ Very Rare... (Updated 7/10/24) This coin's photos added to show an example only, It is not owned by me.

PCGS Gen 1.1 United States $1 1903 O Produced in mid Feb 1986 for about a week. Label printed using an improved dot matrix printer. Label is still white and has no ribbing like the later green labels. Numbered starting at approx 1081000. It is estimated that approx 1400 were produced. Current census figures put the number of known survivors at only 57.

Rarity ~ Very Rare...(Updated 7/10/24) This coin's photos added to show an example only, It is not owned by me.
View Coin PCGS Gen 1.2 United States $1 1885 O PCGS MS 62 DPL Produced Feb 1986 - Sept 1989. This holder features a pale green front label replacing the white label of the previous 2 iterations. Nicknamed the "Rattler" while still fairly common it becomes scarcer with time as more get cracked out and resubmitted in hopes of higher grades...Rarity~Semi-Common
View Coin PCGS Gen 2.0 United States $1 1921 MORGAN PCGS MS 63 Produced Sept-Oct 1989. This holder features the "Doily" front label and new rear label with hologram. It has a plastic collar surrounding the slab forming a raised lip that allows them to stack & interlock...Rarity~Very Scarce
(In Old numbering system AKA Gen 3.0) The old number system is so different because slabs were given a number based on their "discovery" once interest grew in the subject and also based on various major & minor label differences. However PCGS defines generations by the slab design/construction itself and breaks "major" label changes into sub gens (ie: 2.0, 2.1, etc).
View Coin PCGS Gen 2.1A United States $1 1884 O PCGS MS 63 Produced Oct 1989 - Dec 1989. Green perforated label replaces doily label. This example is without PCGS printed at top of label...Rarity~Scarce
(In Old numbering system AKA Gen 2.0)
View Coin PCGS Gen 2.1B United States $1 1924 PCGS MS 63 Produced Oct 1989 - Dec 1989. It is unknown exactly when this variety was produced during the run of Gen 2.1. This is the second of the two types of 2.1's, it has PCGS printed at top of label. These appear less common than the "2.1A"...Rarity~Scarce
(In Old numbering system AKA Gen 2.0/2.5)
View Coin PCGS Gen 2.2 United States $1 1887 PCGS MS 63 Produced Dec 1989 - Jan 1990. Non perforated label and printing quality is a bit better and sharper. Otherwise very similar to Gen 2.1...Rarity~Scarce
(In Old numbering system AKA Gen 3.5)
View Coin PCGS Gen 3.0 United States $1 1881 S PCGS MS 63 Produced Jan 1990 - Feb 1993. Solid 2 piece interlocking slab replacing the collar type of Gen 2. Labels front and back essentially the same as Gen 2.2. While fairly common it becomes scarcer as time goes on...Rarity~Occasional
(In Old numbering system AKA Gen 4.0)
View Coin PCGS Gen 3.1 United States $1 1884 O PCGS MS 63 Produced Mar 1993 - Sept 1998. This holder feature a revised text on front label and Copyright prohibited added to rear label. While fairly common it becomes scarcer as time goes on...Rarity~Occasional
(In Old numbering system AKA Gen 5.0)
View Coin PCGS Gen 4.0 United States $1 1885 O PCGS MS 63 Produced Oct 1998 - Feb 2002. This holder features a new redesigned blue front label replacing the old green label. It also features a completely redesigned rear logo and hologram including the addition of the barcode...Rarity~Common
(In Old numbering system AKA Gen 7.0)
View Coin PCGS Gen 4.1 United States $1 1882 S PCGS MS 64 Produced Feb 2002 - Nov 2004. This holder is slightly revised from Gen 4 with the barcode being moved from rear to front label...Rarity~Common
(In Old numbering system AKA Gen 8.0)
View Coin PCGS Gen 4.2 United States $1 1885 O PCGS MS 64 Produced Nov 2004 - Mar 2005. The "Silverback", this holder features a new large silver rear hologram with NASDAQ:CLCT under St. Gaudens. Front label is essentially unchanged from Gen 4.1. This is a transitional slab made only for a few months...Rarity~Scarce.
(In Old numbering system AKA Gen 8.1)
View Coin PCGS Gen 4.3 United States $1 1977 S PCGS PF 69 UC Produced Mar 2005 - Nov 2005. This holder features a new narrower rear hologram. Front label is unchanged from Gen 4.2. Another transitional slab...Rarity~Occasional.
(In Old numbering system AKA Gen 8.2)
View Coin PCGS Gen 4.4 United States $1 1885 O PCGS MS 63 Produced Nov 2005 - Dec 2011. This holder features a revised front label with the series and coin numbers removed. Rear label comes in two types, one is same as the previous generation & the other is shared with the next gen holder...Rarity~Very Common
(In Old numbering system AKA Gen 9.0)
View Coin PCGS Gen 4.4S United States $1 1886 PCGS MS 64 Produced Mar 2010 - Dec 2011. This is the 1st of the gold shield secure holders. I’ve noted 3 different reverse labels. This is type 1, it lacks rear barcode. Rarity~ Scarce
View Coin PCGS Gen 4.4S United States 1C 1955 S PCGS MS 66 RD Produced Mar 2010 - Dec 2011. This is the 2nd type of the gen 4.4S gold shield secure holders. I’ve noted 3 different reverse labels. This is type 2, it has a rear barcode and the 1st style of the rear hologram like gen 4.4. Rarity~ Very Scarce
View Coin PCGS Gen 4.5 United States $1 1888 PCGS MS 63 Produced Dec 2011 - Jan 2013. This slab features the new Tri-View holder, it uses prongs to hold coin to allow viewing of the coins edge. Front and rear labels remain unchanged from the Gen 4.4 holder...Rarity~Common
(In Old numbering system AKA Gen 9.1)
View Coin PCGS Gen 4.5S United States $1 1899 O PCGS MS 62 Produced Dec 2011 - Oct 2012. This slab is the shield upgrade version of gen 4.5 that features the new Tri-View holder, it uses prongs to hold coin to allow viewing of the coins edge...Rarity~Very Scarce
View Coin PCGS Gen 4.6 United States $1 1896 PCGS MS 63 Produced Jan 2013 - Jan 2014. This holder features a new gradient blue background to front label. All else same as Gen 4.5...Rarity~Common
View Coin PCGS Gen 4.6S United States 50C 1963 D PCGS MS 63 Produced Oct 2012 - Jan 2014. This holder features the new gradient blue background on the front label with the addition of a gold shield and the rear gets an added barcode as an additional security measure...Rarity~Occasional
View Coin PCGS Gen 5.0 United States $1 1881 S PCGS MS 62 Produced Jan 2014 - May 2015. This holder features a slightly revised front label and a new rear logo and hologram. Rarity~Common
(In Old numbering system AKA Gen 12.0)
View Coin PCGS Gen 5.0S United States $1 1879 S PCGS MS 64 Produced Jan 2014 - May 2015. This holder is the upgraded gold shield version of the gen 5.0. Rarity~Very Scarce
View Coin PCGS Gen 6.0 United States $1 1884 O PCGS MS 63 Produced May 2015 - Oct 2020. This holder features a redesigned rear label & hologram with added security features...Rarity~Very Common
View Coin PCGS Gen 6.0S (T2A) United States $1 1896 PCGS MS 63 Gen 6.0S was produced May 2015 - Oct 2020 There are four varieties of generation 6.0S. This is the Type 2A (T2A). Type 2 A & B were produced from Apr/May 2019- Feb 23 2020. This is the second design rear label with shield on rear label only.
View Coin PCGS Gen 6.0S (T2B) United States $1 1882 PCGS MS 62 Gen 6.0S produced 2015- Oct 2020. There are four varieties of generation 6.0S. This is the Type 2B (T2B). Type 2 A & B were produced from Apr/May 2019- Feb 23 2020. This is the second design rear label but with shield on front & rear labels.
View Coin PCGS Gen 6.0S (T3) United States $1 1922 PCGS MS 62 Gen 6.0S produced Feb 2020 - Oct 2020. There are a number of varieties of generation 6.0S. This is the third version of gen 6.0S that was introduced as an option Feb 23 2020. It comes with a NFC chip embedded. It is easily identifiable from the other 6.0 S's by the black "radar" shield on reverse right side of label. It is also easily identifiable from gen 6.1S as it lacks the embossed NFC radar logo in the front bottom left corner and front shield is different from 6.1S.
View Coin PCGS Gen 6.1 United States $1 1881 S PCGS MS 63 Produced Oct 2020 - Present. This new standard holder features the NFC chip upgrade. Front lacks shield on label but has embossed NFC logo on bottom left corner.
Page 1 of 2 (78 items)

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