Owner Comments:
Medal, 1894, AL, CALIFORNIA MIDWINTER EXPOSITION, SF, CA, ADMINISTRATION BUILDING & FERRIS WHEEL DOLLAR, So Called Dollar HK-247 Aluminum, NGC MS64, Cert# 4042181-007. Obv. Within sunken center, edifice; above, around Administration Building; on edifice base, r., A. Hylen. Chi.; below edifice, microscopic Blumenfeld S. F. C. and bear, walking r.; outside, around California Midwinter International Exposition * 1894 *; Rv. In center circle is Ferris Wheel with Firth Wheel above; outside, around Souvenir of San Francisco. California * 1894 *; (Firth, not Ferris, is lettering on medal). Size: 40mm. History: Purpose: To bring to California, exposition of "worldwide interest and significance"; to divert public mind from Panic of 1893; to bring homeseekers to state, showing them "resources and versatility of its inhabitants." Organization: Idea conceived by M. H. de Young, owner of San Francisco Chronicle and vice president of Columbian Exposition, while attending latter Fair; campaigned vigorously for it in his newspaper. Executive Committee created to stage event; financed by public subscriptions and contracts to concessionaires. By opening day, $730,000 had been spent "without the gift of a single dollar from the nation, state or municipality." Ground broken Aug. 24, 1893; more than 100 buildings completed 6 months later. Ex Jeff Shevlin Collection.