CGC Registry

The Paste-Pot Pete Collection

Set Type: Strange Tales #101-#188
Owner: kevinm562
Last Modified: 6/11/2020
Views: 1026

Rank: 35
Score: 7200
Leading by: 161
Points to Higher Rank: 43
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0707484005 Removed -1275 72006/11/2020 5:31:28 AM
1027919004 Removed -1538 84756/11/2020 5:31:27 AM
1055392001 Removed -1950 100132/26/2018 12:01:42 PM
0707484005 Slot Score Increased* 150 119635/15/2013 10:02:24 AM
1055392001 Slot Score Increased* 300 118135/15/2013 10:02:23 AM
1053557002 Slot Score Increased* 225 115135/15/2013 10:02:23 AM
0914697008 Slot Score Increased* 150 112885/15/2013 10:02:23 AM
1027919004 Slot Score Increased* 150 111385/15/2013 10:02:23 AM
1027863002 Slot Score Increased* 500 109885/15/2013 10:02:21 AM
1042033001 Slot Score Increased* 375 104885/15/2013 10:02:20 AM
0743052010 Removed -563 101131/20/2012 7:20:38 PM
1055392001 Added 1650 1067612/15/2011 1:56:42 PM
0052498001 Removed -825 902612/15/2011 1:56:40 PM
1053557002 Added 1125 985110/9/2011 11:08:27 AM
1042033001 Added 1200 87268/26/2011 2:21:16 PM
Initial Score 7526 75265/20/2011 3:47:40 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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