CGC Registry

Attic Gold

Set Type: Amazing Spider-Man (1963) 1-25
Owner: puny human
Last Modified: 4/25/2023
Views: 605

Rank: 103
Score: 9526
Leading by: 118
Points to Higher Rank: 153
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0010118003 Slot Score Increased* 532 95264/25/2023 1:52:08 PM
0780458002 Slot Score Increased* 1000 89944/25/2023 1:48:47 PM
0010118003 Slot Score Increased* 319 799411/1/2021 10:44:56 AM
0714406002 Slot Score Increased* 288 76755/11/2021 2:50:57 PM
0126680002 Slot Score Increased* 623 73875/11/2021 2:48:02 PM
0145212001 Slot Score Increased* 315 67641/5/2021 4:50:52 PM
0714406002 Slot Score Increased* 110 64491/16/2020 11:57:51 AM
0759251003 Slot Score Increased* 518 63391/14/2020 11:49:15 AM
0761019001 Slot Score Increased* 125 58211/14/2020 11:47:17 AM
0145212001 Slot Score Increased* 630 56961/13/2020 5:23:15 PM
0632373001 Slot Score Increased* 150 50661/13/2020 5:17:33 PM
0145212001 Slot Score Increased* 231 49163/14/2018 4:38:35 PM
0145212001 Slot Score Increased* 49 468510/22/2014 3:14:42 PM
0146644005 Removed -735 463610/1/2014 8:43:35 AM
0145212001 Removed -350 42861/28/2014 9:06:04 AM
0146644005 Removed -735 46361/28/2014 9:06:03 AM
0146644005 Slot Score Increased* 273 537111/28/2011 3:34:28 PM
0632373001 Slot Score Increased* 15 509811/28/2011 3:34:28 PM
0051859004 Slot Score Increased* 15 508311/28/2011 3:34:28 PM
0761019001 Slot Score Increased* 165 506811/28/2011 3:34:25 PM
0126680002 Slot Score Increased* 220 490311/28/2011 3:34:24 PM
0759251003 Slot Score Increased* 42 468311/28/2011 3:34:22 PM
0010118003 Slot Score Increased* 107 464111/28/2011 3:34:20 PM
0714406002 Slot Score Increased* 30 453411/28/2011 3:34:18 PM
Initial Score 4504 450412/15/2010 12:23:51 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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