CGC Registry

Rebirth's Best - Hal Jordan FOREVER!!

Set Type: Green Lantern: Rebirth
Owner: GSR
Last Modified: 11/3/2007
Views: 798

Rank: 2
Score: 441
Leading by: 128
Points to Higher Rank: 69
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0703101004 Slot Score Increased* 10 4413/9/2017 6:28:51 PM
0710557021 Slot Score Reduced* -1 4313/9/2017 6:23:25 PM
0710557017 Slot Score Reduced* -1 4323/9/2017 6:20:46 PM
0710557015 Slot Score Increased* 10 4333/9/2017 6:17:42 PM
0710557010 Slot Score Increased* 10 4233/9/2017 6:16:59 PM
0710557022 Slot Score Reduced* -1 4133/9/2017 6:14:46 PM
0710557004 Slot Score Increased* 10 4143/9/2017 6:09:30 PM
0710557019 Slot Score Reduced* -1 4043/9/2017 6:07:00 PM
0708124017 Slot Score Increased* 10 4053/9/2017 6:03:41 PM
Initial Score 395 39511/3/2007 9:10:53 AM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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