CGC Registry

TS 1.5

Set Type: Tales of Suspense #39-#99
Owner: Comiczilla2020
Last Modified: 4/25/2023
Views: 448

Rank: 34
Score: 20127
Leading by: 652
Points to Higher Rank: 356
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
1147855008 Slot Score Increased* 10010 201274/26/2023 2:47:20 PM
1147856007 Slot Score Increased* 655 101174/25/2023 5:35:22 PM
1147855010 Slot Score Reduced* -198 94624/18/2023 4:20:20 PM
1147855010 Slot Score Increased* 198 96604/18/2023 4:20:10 PM
1147855010 Slot Score Increased* 206 94624/18/2023 4:19:12 PM
1147856013 Slot Score Increased* 63 92562/4/2020 11:41:17 AM
1147855008 Slot Score Increased* 1980 91931/14/2020 1:06:48 PM
1147856007 Slot Score Increased* 296 72131/29/2018 3:05:04 PM
1147855010 Slot Score Increased* 619 69171/29/2018 3:02:22 PM
1147855008 Slot Score Increased* 2722 629811/20/2014 12:16:53 PM
1147856007 Added 149 357612/19/2012 10:17:46 PM
1147856013 Added 44 342712/19/2012 10:17:45 PM
1147855008 Added 2888 338311/30/2012 11:26:07 PM
1147855010 Added 495 49511/30/2012 11:22:14 PM
Initial Score 0 011/30/2012 11:21:55 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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