CGC Registry

X-men Set'

Set Type: X-Men (1963) (Complete) LEGACY
Owner: Moetown
Last Modified: 4/18/2023
Views: 934

Rank: 12
Score: 124269
Leading by: 186
Points to Higher Rank: 5107
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
1165612001 Slot Score Increased* 45000 1242694/18/2023 3:32:58 PM
1165612001 Slot Score Increased* 29000 7926910/11/2021 3:07:52 PM
1027642002 Slot Score Reduced* -2820 502691/21/2020 9:53:18 AM
1027642002 Slot Score Increased* 5409 530891/14/2020 10:05:38 AM
1165612001 Slot Score Increased* 20000 476802/27/2018 10:30:28 AM
1027642002 Slot Score Reduced* -205 276809/1/2015 3:03:18 PM
1027638004 Slot Score Reduced* -90 278859/1/2015 3:03:04 PM
1027638004 Added 600 279757/5/2013 10:48:34 AM
1027638004 Slot Score Reduced* -1200 273757/5/2013 10:48:03 AM
1027638004 Added 1200 285755/21/2013 10:36:17 AM
1027638004 Slot Score Reduced* -1200 273755/21/2013 10:32:34 AM
1165612001 Added 26000 285753/25/2013 11:01:41 AM
0204436001 Removed -17420 25753/25/2013 11:01:40 AM
0204436001 Added 17420 199953/25/2013 11:00:49 AM
1165612001 Removed -26000 25753/25/2013 11:00:49 AM
1165612001 Slot Score Increased* 8580 285753/25/2013 10:23:18 AM
0204436001 Added 17420 199953/22/2013 10:10:36 PM
0995979003 Removed -5460 25753/22/2013 9:17:45 PM
0122988001 Removed -360 80353/22/2013 9:13:19 PM
Initial Score 8395 83954/13/2011 12:35:18 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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