CGC Registry

Wolverine 2nd

Set Type: Wolverine (2003) All Variants
Owner: adrianc82
Last Modified: 11/15/2019
Views: 590

Rank: 8
Score: 715
Leading by: 60
Points to Higher Rank: 466
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0804831019 Slot Score Reduced* -3 71511/15/2019 12:30:30 PM
0167867014 Slot Score Reduced* -3 71811/15/2019 12:30:30 PM
0167656007 Slot Score Reduced* -3 72111/15/2019 12:30:30 PM
0169082005 Slot Score Reduced* -3 72411/15/2019 12:30:30 PM
0903889012 Slot Score Reduced* -3 72711/15/2019 12:30:30 PM
0773830053 Removed -35 7309/5/2017 12:44:20 PM
0170843003 Removed -35 7656/6/2017 12:25:38 AM
0050048037 Removed -35 8008/4/2013 1:00:57 AM
0787518061 Removed -35 8357/22/2013 11:57:38 AM
1029201011 Removed -35 8708/24/2011 8:15:55 AM
1029201011 Added 35 9058/24/2011 8:15:28 AM
Initial Score 870 87012/20/2010 5:17:08 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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