CGC Registry

How fast they grow

Set Type: Magik (1983)
Owner: Tnerb
Last Modified: 5/11/2020
Views: 942

Rank: 1
Score: 137
Leading by: 6
Points to Higher Rank: N/A
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
1194278005 Added 35 1372/3/2016 12:17:58 AM
0907584006 Removed -32 1022/3/2016 12:17:57 AM
0763943044 Added 32 1344/9/2015 8:34:23 AM
1011325001 Added 35 1026/20/2011 12:05:26 AM
1019639003 Added 35 676/20/2011 12:05:23 AM
Initial Score 32 3212/16/2010 12:00:00 AM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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