CGC Registry

G's McFarlane Spidey

Set Type: Amazing Spider-Man McFarlane
Owner: LFEg
Last Modified: 2/20/2024
Views: 468

Rank: 101
Score: 1280
Leading by: 5
Points to Higher Rank: 88
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0934838004 Slot Score Reduced* -75 12802/20/2024 5:51:39 PM
0773074007 Slot Score Increased* 310 13555/12/2021 1:07:09 PM
0934838004 Slot Score Increased* 450 10451/31/2018 11:44:55 AM
0934838004 Slot Score Increased* 115 5955/14/2015 11:31:22 AM
0128922001 Added 100 48011/1/2011 5:46:16 PM
Initial Score 380 38012/15/2010 1:56:39 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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