CGC Registry

In Memory of Nik

Set Type: Thor (Complete) LEGACY
Owner: arexcrooke
Last Modified: 4/26/2023
Views: 1146

Rank: 88
Score: 1800
Leading by: 45
Points to Higher Rank: 125
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0607509002 Slot Score Increased* 630 18004/26/2023 3:08:00 PM
0607509002 Slot Score Increased* 750 11705/12/2021 12:32:18 PM
0607509002 Added 420 4205/15/2013 9:24:14 AM
0607509002 Slot Score Reduced* -200 05/15/2013 9:23:46 AM
0779015005 Removed -150 2008/25/2012 8:24:08 PM
0124931010 Removed -150 3508/25/2012 8:24:07 PM
0065487014 Removed -330 5008/25/2012 8:24:07 PM
0717263004 Removed -180 8308/25/2012 8:24:07 PM
0108535008 Removed -180 10108/25/2012 8:24:06 PM
0746355028 Removed -180 11908/25/2012 8:24:06 PM
0066032006 Removed -220 13708/25/2012 8:24:06 PM
0029226012 Removed -220 15908/25/2012 8:24:06 PM
0062371015 Removed -220 18108/25/2012 8:24:05 PM
0109408017 Removed -270 20308/25/2012 8:24:05 PM
0130987018 Removed -270 23008/25/2012 8:24:05 PM
0969872009 Removed -480 25708/26/2011 2:59:08 PM
Initial Score 3420 34207/19/2010 7:10:20 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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