CGC Registry

Brave & the Bold

Set Type: Brave and the Bold #1-#200
Owner: showcase22gr1959
Last Modified: 5/27/2015
Views: 784

Rank: 18
Score: 10710
Leading by: 78
Points to Higher Rank: 2126
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0161175008 Slot Score Increased* 1260 107105/27/2015 3:01:55 PM
0161175008 Slot Score Increased* 5250 94505/14/2015 11:00:49 AM
0161175008 Slot Score Increased* 840 420012/5/2014 1:18:59 PM
0158678009 Removed -350 336010/5/2011 3:34:21 PM
0158678008 Removed -18 371010/5/2011 3:34:21 PM
0158678007 Removed -225 372810/5/2011 3:34:21 PM
Initial Score 3953 395312/28/2010 1:55:42 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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