CGC Registry

HiTMAN's Marvel Annuals Set

Set Type: Marvel Annuals (1962-1982)
Owner: HiTMAN1099
Last Modified: 1/12/2022
Views: 782

Rank: 9
Score: 10532
Leading by: 109
Points to Higher Rank: 332
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0720689001 Removed -35 105321/12/2022 11:27:33 PM
0609567014 Slot Score Increased* 448 105676/8/2021 3:26:19 PM
0057563004 Slot Score Increased* 400 101194/19/2021 12:10:57 PM
0057563004 Slot Score Increased* 400 97194/5/2021 4:27:56 PM
0969793013 Slot Score Increased* 5 93195/21/2020 12:27:05 PM
0969793013 Slot Score Increased* 30 93145/21/2020 12:27:01 PM
0047898015 Slot Score Increased* 80 92845/21/2020 12:25:27 PM
0056873004 Removed -180 92047/10/2019 9:04:39 AM
0791959019 Removed -50 95796/18/2016 3:16:05 PM
0075515016 Removed -50 96294/16/2015 7:37:05 PM
0065581005 Removed -144 96797/29/2014 10:57:51 AM
0158684007 Removed -200 98237/29/2014 10:57:14 AM
0159151001 Removed -50 100234/15/2014 6:41:33 AM
0040520003 Removed -220 100733/21/2014 10:34:08 AM
0037040005 Removed -320 1029312/31/2013 4:21:43 PM
0768030016 Removed -160 1061310/10/2013 10:43:22 AM
0040261022 Removed -50 1077310/9/2013 1:58:30 PM
0131404002 Slot Score Increased* 714 108237/29/2013 9:14:39 AM
0131404002 Slot Score Increased* 144 101095/15/2013 10:02:22 AM
0780732014 Removed -35 996511/2/2012 6:41:42 PM
Initial Score 10180 101804/13/2011 12:35:18 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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