CGC Registry

just the best ones

Set Type: Wolverine (1988) All Variants
Owner: kringle
Last Modified: 5/11/2018
Views: 814

Rank: 26
Score: 3286
Leading by: 12
Points to Higher Rank: 123
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0944567013 Slot Score Increased* 85 32865/11/2018 1:21:32 PM
0152418006 Slot Score Increased* 680 32011/23/2018 3:37:36 PM
0154189016 Removed -35 25215/16/2014 7:41:55 PM
0635447003 Removed -130 25565/15/2014 8:28:57 AM
0955513007 Removed -88 26863/6/2013 9:21:40 AM
0175261029 Removed -40 27741/28/2013 10:47:56 PM
0177076022 Removed -25 28141/28/2013 10:22:06 PM
0177076023 Removed -25 28391/28/2013 10:21:43 PM
1043908009 Added 88 286411/4/2011 7:12:55 PM
0804881007 Removed -80 277611/4/2011 7:12:53 PM
Initial Score 2856 28565/10/2011 6:22:59 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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