CGC Registry

H.C. - Captain America (Vol. 1)

Set Type: Captain America #100-#454
Owner: Papalsin
Last Modified: 6/29/2022
Views: 96

Rank: 213
Score: 164
Leading by: 2
Points to Higher Rank: 3
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
3865706005 Added 2 1646/29/2022 4:51:38 AM
3865706004 Added 2 1626/29/2022 4:51:37 AM
2120073003 Added 99 1607/29/2020 8:52:45 PM
2059701010 Removed -90 617/29/2020 8:52:44 PM
2549400001 Added 61 15112/23/2019 8:20:03 PM
2059701010 Added 90 909/3/2019 8:57:24 PM
Initial Score 0 09/3/2019 8:56:31 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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