CGC Registry

Captain Marvel Vol 1

Set Type: Captain Marvel (1968)
Owner: Jersey Jim's Stuff
Last Modified: 11/1/2021
Views: 320

Rank: 23
Score: 4424
Leading by: 185
Points to Higher Rank: 15
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0763174007 Slot Score Increased* 540 442411/1/2021 11:53:17 AM
0279109005 Slot Score Reduced* -16 38841/14/2020 12:18:18 PM
0279109005 Slot Score Increased* 157 39001/14/2020 12:18:00 PM
0919481010 Slot Score Increased* 75 37432/18/2019 1:30:11 PM
0247651001 Slot Score Increased* 148 36682/18/2019 1:26:17 PM
1430778003 Slot Score Increased* 682 35202/18/2019 12:20:04 PM
0995117009 Slot Score Increased* 1020 28385/4/2018 11:46:33 AM
1430778003 Added 198 18183/1/2018 10:20:06 PM
0919481010 Slot Score Increased* 525 16201/29/2018 1:14:57 PM
0279109005 Slot Score Increased* 23 10951/29/2018 1:14:11 PM
0247651001 Slot Score Reduced* -38 10723/9/2017 6:23:32 PM
0919481010 Slot Score Reduced* -115 11103/9/2017 6:14:28 PM
0995117009 Slot Score Increased* 60 12253/9/2017 6:05:22 PM
0919481010 Added 265 11657/18/2016 9:31:28 PM
0247651001 Added 93 9007/18/2016 9:31:27 PM
0279109005 Added 27 8077/18/2016 9:31:26 PM
0763174007 Added 210 7807/18/2016 9:31:25 PM
0995117009 Added 570 5707/18/2016 9:31:24 PM
Initial Score 0 07/18/2016 9:30:06 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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