CGC Registry

Boozad Of The Bat

Set Type: Batman (Complete) LEGACY
Owner: Boozad
Last Modified: 6/25/2024
Views: 1168

Rank: 77
Score: 4950
Leading by: 141
Points to Higher Rank: 48

Set Description:

So here we go again, just a year after clearing my registry of Batman books I'm back buying again and populating the set. It was a hard decision to move my slabbed collection on and one I didn't rush into, but with life being what it is there were more pressing matters at the time than a collection of graded comic books.
This time around though will be a completely different journey for me. The last time I was collecting I was aiming for as complete a run as possible from the Copper Age up, and I paid a lot of attention to the #400s, #500s and #600s. The #400s meant a lot to me as those were the books I was reading as a kid and the nostalgia was immense. The #500s were the books I was buying in my teens, and they really were halcyon days for me. And the #600s did actually hold some fine books, #608's RRP and 2nd print, the RIP variants and Batman #686, which is still one of my favourite books to date.

But now I've found a little more refinement in the books I want to own. I've settled for high grade raw copies of the standout books alone and the majority of my collection is being sold off through different venues. But for slabbed books it will be solely books that stand out to me for whatever reason.
A gorgeous #251 9.4 started the ball rolling, soon to be joined by a #232 which was subbed myself in the fall of 2012. I've added a #700 SS signed by David Finch too as the cover on that books is to die for and I loved Finch's work on TDK.

So additions to this set will be few and far between, but it will definitely look nice to me.

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