CGC Registry

Jr's Batman 100 (Puppeteer Lee Variant) 107, 108

Set Type: Batman (Complete with Variants) LEGACY
Owner: juniorMC
Last Modified: 10/29/2023
Views: 92

Rank: 45
Score: 172
Leading by: 5
Points to Higher Rank: 42

Set Description:

Batman 100 (CGC 9.8) Puppeteer Lee purple Bulletproof Comics & Games Edition F

Batman 107 vol 3 signed by Jorge Jimenez, Tomeu Morey, James Tynion IV & Riccardo Federici

Batman 108 Federici Variant cover Jorge Jimenez, Tomeu Morey, James Tynion IV & Riccardo Federici

Batman 108 Lau variant cvr
Jorge Jimenez, Tomeu Morey, James Tynion IV & Stanley Lau

Batman 108 Lau Foil variant cvr
Jorge Jimenez, Tomeu Morey, James Tynion IV & Stanley Lau

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