CGC Registry

Artgerm Bats!

Set Type: Batgirl (2009) All Variants
Last Modified: 2/18/2022
Views: 285

Rank: 9
Score: 9
Leading by: N/A
Points to Higher Rank: 6

Set Description:

Some descriptive imagery with the Artgerm! The bats of girl power, and the purples we come to love and respect. I'm enjoying the kick arse style of the poses, with thought to the gentle style that is the Asian Artgerm. We've got to give this guy his due! Always a Bat, this woman of the night is a girl-power, to be reckoned. Villains though they try, must face the Bat-tastic, and the portrayals of the might! Bat-girl is getting it on, in the justice and for the freedom of it all.
Artgerm still has a way to go but is steadily rising and becoming a go to for the collectors out there. Long Live the Anime Style!

Batgirl has hit highs and lows with many, and in between, it has marked her as a meek who was weak or a humbling experience to evil doers. While she herself takes on true strength in humility, among all others who would be willing to lend a hand, as some lessons are personal, and it takes one's own mind to come to terms with that discipline. In her mentors' eyes such as the Justice League or even standalone Batman, she is tried and true, while having made her own mistakes. Such is the fragile heroine world in which lies Gotham, the Joker, and artists with writers that bring it all to life! With a striking gentle attitude and similar to say a Supergirl, Batgirl is left to her training, detective and fancy footwork. Sometimes having connections in a persona with the likes of Commissioner Gordon doesn't hurt either, although there are many and only certain iterations with those connections.

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