CGC Registry

Something is Killing the Children (CGC Graded)

Set Type: Something is Killing the Children (2019) All Variants
Owner: Violent-Delights
Last Modified: 2/28/2025
Views: 3525

Rank: 1
Score: 27736
Leading by: 14109
Points to Higher Rank: N/A

Set Description:

SOMETHING IS KILLING THE CHILDREN by James Tynion IV and Werther Dell'Edera.

"When the children of Archer's Peak begin to go missing, everything seems hopeless. Most children never return, but the ones that do have terrible stories-impossible stories of terrifying creatures that live in the shadows. Their only hope of finding and eliminating the threat is the arrival of a mysterious stranger, one who believes the children and claims to see what they can see. Her name is Erica Slaughter. She kills monsters. That is all she does, and she bears the cost because it MUST be done."

I became a member of CGC in October of 2020. Around that same time, I had also begun reading the back issues of Something is Killing the Children. I was immediately absorbed into Tynion’s story, Dell’Edera’s art, and the lore surrounding the early covers.

SOMETHING IS KILLING THE CHILDREN is by far my biggest collection of graded (and raw) covers. I hope to have a complete graded set of all the issues and all of the variant covers.

My set includes a photo of the front and the back of the encapsulated book. The description includes the variant title, the cover artist, the date the book was graded, a print run if available, relevant notes about the variant, whether my collection has more than one copy, and an annual FMV average price from GPAnalysis.

I was honored to win a Registry Award for this set. It was selected as one of three best modern competitive sets of 2023.
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