CGC Registry

The Strange Academy Instituted

Set Type: Strange Academy (2020) All Variants
Last Modified: 1/27/2021
Views: 428

Rank: 22
Score: 65
Leading by: 8
Points to Higher Rank: 7

Set Description:

Campbell and Skottie Young! All Up-and-Comer's unite, friends draw inspiration on the school of the Strange! Many different 1st appearances along with many different variant covers, to stay on top, we may all need to employ the help of the good Dr. Strange! Summing it up for a keeper, these issues can be dynamic, it's the collector in me. The end does justify the means, but when the Academies are full of "strangeness", yes, it is a beginning not always an end. Is there a doctor in the house?
Yes, the Strange Dr. is now an institution, but not of the unbalanced variety. Tutelage and the passing on of information, and don't forget getting in experience early in life helps to prepare for the work arena!

The Strangeness is taking on some tutelage but not without consequences, it goes to the head of good doctors all around in a school "finding knowledge!" It isn't the end, because there is only one Author. Depending on what you were born by and what code, there is nothing stopping us all from being born anew. Into the eternal some knowledge goes, as Dr. Strange will find as he himself suffers yet another demise. Once would be good enough by the "good book", yet it takes the phenomenon to wake the students into keeping Stephen Strange from the paranormal. Supernaturally and by what spirit Strange emerges the kids don't know, but it will take the school and team to work on their ways of acting to save.

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