CGC Registry

The Secret Avengers

Set Type: Secret Avengers (2010) All Variants
Last Modified: 12/6/2020
Views: 376

Rank: 16
Score: 25
Leading by: 7
Points to Higher Rank: 5

Set Description:

There is an Agent Among Them! Venom! Ah, we thought we'd seen the last of the climb up the corporate ladder! The anti-hero of sorts keeps the reader riveted, and poor ant-man is taking the fall for it, as Hawkeye is befuddled as well! It will be over his job, and will it snuff out as soon as it began? These pages tell the tale and are a build up for the set, as to the "offer", the offer is not refused.
Agent Venom sounds like he'd definitely be on the no-fly list, yet it IS VENOM! If there is something for web to swing from, then well, he may just not fly! That is Venom Ba-Da-Chaw!

Secrets usually don't get you hired, as for the Avengers it is on everyone's resume. Be it Antman, who is having a time of it in this series, or Hawkeye who is vehemently opposed to any newcomers. Venom is just trying to get along and he does have a skill set that is useful, that is if he can own up to it by making it out of harms way, and with everyone else still alive as well. Venom is trying to become a team player, which is something that I've read less about, and yet those tools he has, need his attitude to become one with the plans of the leaders. Otherwise, a dependable asset, Hawkeye doesn't think that it is worth the risk or liability. By now we've heard the argument for those pros and cons of Venom joining, even though secretly, and that is a cause for Venom needing the experience as a team. He also needs to become a pro all on his own, as he usually is a lone symbiote! He'll play better when it is all on the line, as before, he does seem and pull out some wins.

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