CGC Registry

KrackenKomic's Venom Lethal Protector set

Set Type: Venom: Lethal Protector (1993) All Variants
Owner: Patrick Horn
Last Modified: 12/12/2023
Views: 285

Rank: 15
Score: 306
Leading by: 2
Points to Higher Rank: 144

Set Description:
Venom lethal Protector collection:
This is a labor of love. I remember when I first saw that shining red foil cover. It was like red gold and I've had gold fever ever since. I have accumulated everything Venom: Lethal Protector Including dozens of books that are not on this list, some graded some not just yet. I acquired the black error issue in a 9.8 and signature series books. All of these books are signature series. The lowest grade in the set is the Marvel Italia Red foil # 0, at a 9.2 signed by Mark Bagley and Sam De La Rosa as of 9-24-20 this is the second highest grade on the census for this book. The next lowest grade is The Marvel Italia Platinum #0, at a 9.6 signed by Mark Bagley and Sam De La Rosa. The Venom: Lethal Protector Black Cover error is next at a 9.8 signed by Mark Bagley and Sam De La Rosa 1 of 14 Signature Series in 9.8. Next is the Gold edition signed by Mark Bagley and Sam De La Rosa in a 9.8 (1 of 112 s.s.). The book that started it all is next, the Red Foil #1, signed by Todd Mcfarlane, Mark Bagley and Sam De La Rosa in a 9.8. The #2 is next, I have 2 of these one signed by Todd McFarlane and Mark Bagley and one signed by Mark Bagley and Sam De La Rosa, both in 9.8s. The #3 is next signed by Mark Bagley and Sam De La Rosa in 9.8. The #4 signed by Mark Bagley and Sam De La Rosa in 9.8. #5 signed by Mark Bagley and Sam De La Rosa in a 9.8 and #6 signed by Mark Bagley and Sam De La Rosa in 9.8. I also have the #6 2nd print (2000) Toybiz variant signed by Mark Bagley and Sam De La Rosa in 9.8 but it is not included in the set (Yet) and the Venom: Lethal Protector TPB (1995) 1st print in a 9.4 signed by Mark Bagley and Sam De La Rosa. This is the Highest grade on the Census! This book and other trade paperbacks will hopefully be added to the set.I fully intend to eventually make this collection the greatest Venom collection on the planet.
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