CGC Registry

Josie The Cat of Dreams!

Set Type: Josie and the Pussycats (Complete)
Last Modified: 7/20/2020
Views: 728

Rank: 2
Score: 268
Leading by: 130
Points to Higher Rank: 722

Set Description:

What A Band-Team-and all around-Cool-Cats! Valarie is here too, in the set for you, and us, well we have the rockers of the future! Keep it together we've got a gig tonight! These fun loving and foxy ladies are the way to go, and they keep it fresh. I got this set added to the registry, so jump in with both feet! Full of hilarity, with the fun that comes with school, relationships, and yes, even the school of rock! They may even melt a heart or two. Always melt away the blues with a trio rocker attitude. Josie and the Pussycats are relevant, because today we long for the freedom to live and let live.
They're a rocker, a roller, a right out of controller. A chooser, a bruiser, the rock and rollers man! That keeps the cool cats mellow, while giving them the time and show of their lives!

Josie is after a kind or brand that speaks to this era of comics and found similar to some Archie comics that came into "its own", as well, and as a pastime, is still considered one of the elders of publication. As a longstanding time or era inserting itself within culture, it is also worth some consideration to ponder the implications and or remember fondly. It had its own charm within its own world, and took with it the modern era as well, with steady purchases and with some that took interest in order to keep it going. Not always popular or having a mainstream fanbase, it has stood the test long enough to stand on its own merits. Josie, being an offshoot, takes all of this into consideration, and is in good company. There are times to make or break the bank, but novelty as well with niche are their own reward. All along the roads travels, it is up to us to decide and take on the world by its own happenstance, while considering also that Josie alleviates the stresses with ease and simpleness!

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