CGC Registry

Wolverine the Great

Set Type: Wolverine (1988) All Variants
Owner: Mattk3447
Last Modified: 2/20/2023
Views: 1958

Rank: 4
Score: 11197
Leading by: 520
Points to Higher Rank: 102

Set Description:

Is collecting an addiction? I guess when you have a collection this large the answer is probably yes. Wolverine has always been my childhood superhero. I started collecting wolverine when I was only 10 years old in 1990. I remember seeing a wolverine model/statue on a shelf in a comic book shop where I grew up. I asked the worker, who is that? The worker told me the wolverine statue wasn’t for sale but showed me where the back issues where. The statue was of wolverine was in his brown and yellow costume. Even today this is my favorite version of wolverine. One of the comics I picked that day was Wolverine 17 with the cover art by John Bryne. This comic is one of my favorite covers. I will buy anything with that image on it. I have a drinking glass, heroclix as well a buying a pink kid’s shirt with that image of wolverine on it for my step daughter.
I ended up selling off my childhood collection when I was a teenager. Around the end of 2006 I decided to start collecting again. But this time I was going to collect them as graded comics. I decided I was only going to have comics Cgc 9.8 or better in my collection. Ebay has been my best route for collecting graded Wolverine comics. Over 60% of my collection was purchased off Ebay. At one point I had a list of the sellers who sold me a lot of the books in this collection but lost the info when my computer crashed.
Most of the comics I purchased had already been graded by CGC. The rest I had sent in for grading myself. Almost 60 of the books in this collection I had graded. I personally would like to thank High Quality Comics for selling me about 20 raw books for my collection. The other raw books I picked up throughout my travels around the country. I travel a lot for work and every city I work in I use to find comic retailers in the area. I would have to say I have probably been to over 200 comic retailers in the US in the past 6 years. Most stores I walked out empty handed but every once in a while I would find some raw beauties that would eventually grade out at a CGC 9.8.
My entire collection is graded universal blue label comics. For whatever the reason I have been reluctant to pick up any signature comics. One day I will have the complete Wolverine 1988 series but with the lack of 9.9’s and signature comics I will probably never reach the number one spot.
I will be uploaded comics images and comments in the future.

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