Bill Jones' Type Set
3c SILVER, TYPE 3 1859-73


Coin Details


Set Details

Origin/Country: United States
Design Description: THREE-CENT PIECES - SILVER
Item Description: 3CS 1861
Grade: NGC MS 65
Owner: BillJones
Winning Set: Bill Jones' Type Set
Date Added: 5/23/2003
Research: See NGC's Census Report for this Coin

Owner's Description

This attractive little Civil War survivor has satin smooth surfaces with just a hint of toning. This was one of the last issues of the silver three cent pieces that saw much circulation. During the war, all U.S. coins were hoarded and seldom seen in daily commerce. At the end of the war this coin was replaced by the nickel three cent piece. <br /><br /><br /><br />These tiny coins were never practical. They were so thin that one can barely left them from a flat surface. The people of the time called them "fish scales" which was not a compliment.

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