Bill Jones' Type Set


Coin Details


Set Details

Origin/Country: United States
Item Description: 1C 1909 S VDB
Grade: NGC XF 45 BN
Owner: BillJones
Winning Set: Bill Jones' Type Set
Date Added: 3/31/2007
Research: See NGC's Census Report for this Coin

Owner's Description

I’m not trying to be show-off here. I just don’t own a Mint State 1909 VDB cent in a slab so this is my “filler.” It’s kind of like placing a used Cadillac in a spot that was made for a brand new Chevy. <br /><br />This coin marks the capstone of the collection that introduced me to numismatics. On Christmas Day 1959 my uncle gave me the 13th edition of the Red Book and the two Whitman folders for Lincoln cents. I started filling those folders from circulation, but before long I became interested in other things. Finally in 1983 I decided to finish my boyhood collection of Lincoln cents, and this was the last coin I needed for finish the set. In these pre-slab days this coin came with ANACS papers. I finally had NGC certify the coin a few years ago. <br /><br />The 1909-S-VDB is one of the most famous of all U.S. coins. It is a legend even among many non-collectors. With a mintage of 484,000, and many survivors, it can hardly be called rare; but it is an item that gets people’s attention. Sadly this attention and the resulting high market prices have prompted the production of many counterfeits of this issue. In fact there might be more 1909-S-VDB cents in existence now than there were in 1909! The quality of these counterfeits ranges from ghastly to darn scary. Therefore this is one coin that really should only be traded as a certified item.

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