CGC Registry

Marvels Amazing Spider-Man

Set Type: Amazing Spider-Man #101-#200
Last Modified: 4/25/2023
Views: 1182

Rank: 47
Score: 17189
Leading by: 180
Points to Higher Rank: 98
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0065059018 Slot Score Increased* 133 171894/25/2023 2:45:52 PM
0056864008 Slot Score Increased* 350 170564/25/2023 2:43:06 PM
0108007015 Slot Score Increased* 117 167064/25/2023 1:56:59 PM
0115615013 Slot Score Increased* 1283 165894/6/2023 2:33:56 PM
0606801002 Slot Score Increased* 1333 153064/6/2023 2:32:42 PM
0060984002 Slot Score Increased* 875 139734/6/2023 2:31:13 PM
0089386011 Removed -120 1309810/14/2022 5:32:40 AM
0009771009 Slot Score Increased* 155 1321811/15/2021 11:54:50 AM
0045477006 Slot Score Increased* 2075 130639/27/2021 10:09:47 AM
0042512010 Slot Score Increased* 453 109889/27/2021 9:54:57 AM
0075406003 Slot Score Increased* 200 1053510/9/2020 12:46:38 PM
0037681010 Removed -240 103354/4/2020 5:31:05 AM
0115615013 Slot Score Increased* 50 105752/4/2020 10:42:28 AM
0115615013 Slot Score Increased* 417 105252/4/2020 10:42:18 AM
0065380015 Removed -120 1010811/11/2019 5:31:23 AM
0075406003 Slot Score Increased* 320 102285/27/2015 5:04:11 PM
0705307004 Removed -75 99084/27/2015 8:39:03 AM
0060984002 Added 975 99834/24/2015 11:37:46 AM
0060984002 Slot Score Reduced* -750 90084/24/2015 11:37:22 AM
0769046002 Removed -180 97582/6/2015 8:53:17 AM
0048520007 Removed -160 993812/10/2014 4:18:55 PM
0607513013 Removed -65 100987/16/2014 9:50:29 AM
0788780007 Removed -180 101634/1/2014 9:21:43 AM
0098486005 Removed -240 1034311/26/2013 9:23:20 AM
0086683017 Removed -104 105837/30/2013 8:41:00 AM
0061631013 Removed -460 106874/10/2013 8:35:22 AM
0606801002 Added 1000 111473/27/2013 11:12:42 AM
0606801002 Slot Score Reduced* -4000 101473/27/2013 11:11:13 AM
0060984002 Added 750 141473/27/2013 11:08:20 AM
0060984002 Slot Score Reduced* -1440 133973/27/2013 11:07:58 AM
0037681010 Added 240 1483711/7/2011 2:32:53 PM
0037681010 Slot Score Reduced* -240 1459711/7/2011 2:32:46 PM
Initial Score 14837 1483712/15/2010 12:55:53 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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