CGC Registry

Pre Hero Flessel

Set Type: Adventure Comics #32-#503
Owner: Socratic Wonder1
Last Modified: 10/16/2023
Views: 815

Rank: 50
Score: 1911
Leading by: 11
Points to Higher Rank: 38
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0147298002 Removed -439 191110/16/2023 1:21:47 PM
0932515004 Removed -2211 235010/16/2023 1:21:37 PM
0147298001 Removed -330 456110/16/2023 1:21:14 PM
0147298003 Removed -201 489110/16/2023 1:19:55 PM
0149412003 Removed -90 509210/16/2023 1:19:45 PM
0147298003 Slot Score Reduced* -1 51823/9/2017 6:09:01 PM
Initial Score 5183 51836/14/2011 10:43:43 AM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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