CGC Registry

90 Proof Adventure Comics

Set Type: Adventure Comics #32-#503
Owner: Mister Bourbon
Last Modified: 2/2/2022
Views: 638

Rank: 7
Score: 21538
Leading by: 1274
Points to Higher Rank: 659
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
2006334007 Added 150 215382/2/2022 4:44:23 PM
0103961038 Removed -150 213882/2/2022 4:44:22 PM
1210341004 Slot Score Increased* 1400 215385/15/2021 3:17:32 PM
1465127007 Added 195 2013811/1/2019 4:20:17 PM
0162342016 Slot Score Increased* 20 1994310/31/2019 4:00:58 PM
0938052003 Slot Score Increased* 20 1992310/31/2019 4:00:58 PM
0959875012 Slot Score Increased* 30 1990310/31/2019 4:00:58 PM
1028867030 Slot Score Increased* 15 1987310/31/2019 4:00:58 PM
1013851001 Slot Score Increased* 37 1985810/31/2019 4:00:58 PM
0193824028 Slot Score Increased* 25 1982110/31/2019 4:00:58 PM
0127089001 Slot Score Increased* 15 1979610/31/2019 4:00:58 PM
1108303001 Slot Score Increased* 37 1978110/31/2019 4:00:58 PM
0051297019 Slot Score Increased* 25 1974410/31/2019 4:00:58 PM
0708818020 Slot Score Increased* 25 1971910/31/2019 4:00:58 PM
1127628001 Slot Score Increased* 25 1969410/31/2019 4:00:58 PM
1150016007 Slot Score Increased* 37 1966910/31/2019 4:00:58 PM
0083237019 Slot Score Increased* 45 1963210/31/2019 4:00:58 PM
0940576001 Slot Score Reduced* -60 1958710/31/2019 4:00:46 PM
1039547001 Slot Score Reduced* -30 1964710/31/2019 4:00:46 PM
1099521010 Slot Score Reduced* -30 1967710/31/2019 4:00:46 PM
1156918010 Slot Score Reduced* -45 1970710/31/2019 4:00:46 PM
0987683003 Slot Score Reduced* -30 1975210/31/2019 4:00:46 PM
0938050007 Slot Score Reduced* -30 1978210/31/2019 4:00:46 PM
0915541006 Slot Score Reduced* -20 1981210/31/2019 4:00:46 PM
0915541007 Slot Score Reduced* -30 1983210/31/2019 4:00:46 PM
0959837013 Slot Score Reduced* -20 1986210/31/2019 4:00:46 PM
0988308020 Slot Score Reduced* -20 1988210/31/2019 4:00:46 PM
0906770005 Slot Score Reduced* -30 1990210/31/2019 4:00:46 PM
1010483007 Slot Score Reduced* -5 1993210/31/2019 4:00:46 PM
0124632018 Slot Score Increased* 10 1993710/31/2019 4:00:46 PM
0141014010 Slot Score Increased* 10 1992710/31/2019 4:00:46 PM
1043413012 Slot Score Increased* 15 1991710/31/2019 4:00:46 PM
0141014024 Slot Score Increased* 15 1990210/31/2019 4:00:46 PM
0069475018 Slot Score Increased* 10 1988710/31/2019 4:00:46 PM
0109583002 Slot Score Increased* 20 1987710/31/2019 4:00:46 PM
0141015021 Slot Score Increased* 20 1985710/31/2019 4:00:46 PM
0083237004 Slot Score Increased* 20 1983710/31/2019 4:00:46 PM
0718517001 Slot Score Increased* 15 1981710/31/2019 4:00:46 PM
0994922022 Slot Score Increased* 30 1980210/31/2019 4:00:46 PM
0083237008 Slot Score Increased* 22 1977210/31/2019 4:00:46 PM
0994922006 Slot Score Reduced* -30 1975010/31/2019 4:00:46 PM
1075511001 Slot Score Reduced* -195 1978010/31/2019 4:00:46 PM
1125638001 Slot Score Increased* 30 1997510/31/2019 4:00:46 PM
1210341003 Slot Score Reduced* -195 1994510/31/2019 4:00:46 PM
0098579002 Slot Score Reduced* -30 2014010/31/2019 4:00:46 PM
1175808010 Slot Score Reduced* -60 2017010/31/2019 4:00:45 PM
1125876002 Slot Score Reduced* -30 2023010/31/2019 4:00:45 PM
1175648013 Slot Score Reduced* -20 2026010/31/2019 4:00:45 PM
0919002001 Slot Score Reduced* -90 2028010/31/2019 4:00:45 PM
0229735001 Slot Score Reduced* -45 2037010/31/2019 4:00:45 PM
Page 1 of 5 (214 items)
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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