CGC Registry

Children of the Atom

Set Type: X-Men (1963) 1-201 Any Variant
Owner: seanfingh
Last Modified: 4/26/2023
Views: 708

Rank: 89
Score: 6304
Leading by: 31
Points to Higher Rank: 252
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0938237004 Slot Score Increased* 34 63044/26/2023 3:21:48 PM
0143874003 Slot Score Increased* 1875 62703/15/2022 11:46:05 AM
0901387004 Slot Score Increased* 847 43952/15/2022 4:57:40 PM
0938237004 Slot Score Reduced* -28 35485/15/2021 1:49:59 PM
0938237004 Slot Score Increased* 30 35765/15/2021 1:46:08 PM
0938237004 Slot Score Increased* 55 35465/12/2021 12:55:26 PM
0951855012 Removed -374 34917/1/2019 9:42:27 AM
0938564005 Removed -254 38655/7/2018 9:09:05 AM
0143874003 Slot Score Increased* 300 41191/22/2018 4:38:41 PM
0930503003 Slot Score Reduced* -55 38199/1/2015 3:05:09 PM
0930503004 Slot Score Reduced* -33 38749/1/2015 3:05:04 PM
0930503001 Slot Score Reduced* -33 39079/1/2015 3:04:52 PM
0951855012 Slot Score Reduced* -66 39409/1/2015 3:04:51 PM
0079610020 Slot Score Reduced* -36 40069/1/2015 3:04:50 PM
0799146001 Slot Score Reduced* -22 40429/1/2015 3:03:33 PM
0764180008 Slot Score Reduced* -50 40649/1/2015 3:03:29 PM
0938564005 Slot Score Reduced* -43 41149/1/2015 3:03:28 PM
0930503002 Slot Score Reduced* -21 41579/1/2015 3:03:11 PM
0938237004 Slot Score Reduced* -4 41789/1/2015 3:01:43 PM
0143009001 Slot Score Reduced* -30 41829/1/2015 3:01:36 PM
0930503006 Removed -200 42126/4/2015 3:14:51 PM
0930503006 Removed -200 40651/28/2014 12:11:54 PM
0799146001 Removed -147 42651/28/2014 12:11:52 PM
0930503005 Removed -77 44121/27/2012 10:13:30 AM
0079610016 Removed -240 44899/26/2011 9:36:37 AM
Initial Score 9229 92294/13/2011 12:35:18 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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