CGC Registry

Daredevil Comix

Set Type: Daredevil (Complete) LEGACY
Owner: asteroid-comix
Last Modified: 4/6/2023
Views: 764

Rank: 29
Score: 3357
Leading by: 99
Points to Higher Rank: 325
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0771058009 Slot Score Increased* 280 33574/6/2023 2:41:37 PM
0771058009 Slot Score Reduced* -112 30774/6/2023 2:41:16 PM
0050551012 Slot Score Increased* 992 31892/15/2022 1:05:51 PM
0177098016 Removed -150 21975/15/2014 8:29:13 AM
0177098015 Removed -200 234712/20/2013 8:46:34 AM
0136241003 Added 399 25474/28/2012 11:32:23 AM
0790179008 Added 231 21484/28/2012 11:31:52 AM
0771058009 Added 672 19174/28/2012 11:31:20 AM
Initial Score 1545 15455/30/2011 12:00:00 AM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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