CGC Registry

Avengers Almost Assembled

Set Type: Avengers #1-#250
Owner: Flaming_Telepath
Last Modified: 4/25/2023
Views: 1258

Rank: 32
Score: 19085
Leading by: 428
Points to Higher Rank: 2745
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0109611005 Slot Score Increased* 925 190854/25/2023 2:51:07 PM
0129889002 Slot Score Increased* 372 181604/25/2023 2:49:56 PM
0079206001 Slot Score Increased* 250 177884/25/2023 2:49:25 PM
0070822009 Slot Score Increased* 335 175382/15/2022 11:41:54 AM
0607158007 Slot Score Increased* 375 1720311/1/2021 11:34:46 AM
0130781010 Slot Score Increased* 2400 1682811/1/2021 11:27:54 AM
0116367006 Slot Score Increased* 782 144285/11/2021 3:24:44 PM
0109611005 Slot Score Increased* 25 136462/4/2020 10:46:08 AM
0109611005 Slot Score Increased* 335 136212/4/2020 10:45:53 AM
0130781010 Slot Score Increased* 1035 132861/14/2020 12:16:39 PM
0022278030 Removed -375 122518/11/2017 9:04:40 AM
0002215010 Removed -563 126265/9/2014 5:54:35 AM
0700201014 Removed -240 110591/28/2014 9:33:26 AM
0607158007 Removed -375 112991/28/2014 9:33:24 AM
0023462007 Removed -240 116741/28/2014 9:33:24 AM
0023115018 Removed -150 119141/28/2014 9:33:23 AM
0016775003 Removed -1125 120641/28/2014 9:33:23 AM
0130781010 Added 315 131893/18/2013 11:37:10 AM
0130781010 Slot Score Reduced* -210 128743/18/2013 11:36:31 AM
0032584011 Removed -225 1308412/26/2012 3:38:13 PM
0116367006 Added 825 133098/27/2012 12:07:01 PM
0116367006 Slot Score Reduced* -525 124848/27/2012 12:06:49 PM
0759830013 Removed -260 130096/24/2012 7:22:32 AM
0048394016 Removed -210 132694/20/2012 9:13:18 PM
0017269012 Removed -450 134794/20/2012 9:12:57 PM
0700170017 Removed -255 139292/27/2012 9:26:06 PM
Initial Score 14372 143723/13/2011 11:39:19 AM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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