CGC Registry

Bro's Savage Complete

Set Type: Savage Sword of Conan #1-#235
Owner: Bro
Last Modified: 5/12/2021
Views: 632

Rank: 15
Score: 720
Leading by: 70
Points to Higher Rank: 280
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
0500147016 Slot Score Increased* 5 7205/12/2021 1:44:44 PM
0907670014 Removed -40 7157/14/2020 2:19:24 PM
1012208003 Removed -40 7557/14/2020 2:19:24 PM
0501977004 Removed -35 7957/14/2020 2:18:54 PM
0501977003 Removed -25 8307/14/2020 2:18:54 PM
0907654011 Removed -50 8557/14/2020 2:18:54 PM
0501337002 Removed -250 90512/20/2014 11:56:01 AM
1012206012 Removed -40 11559/17/2014 8:59:31 AM
0907670015 Removed -40 11959/17/2014 8:59:25 AM
0907670005 Removed -40 12359/8/2014 9:22:49 AM
0501977004 Added 35 12752/1/2014 4:03:31 PM
0501977003 Added 25 12402/1/2014 4:01:16 PM
0500147016 Added 25 12157/19/2011 9:33:49 PM
Initial Score 1190 11908/19/2010 8:56:29 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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