CGC Registry

Kirkman's Epic

Set Type: Walking Dead (2003) Any Variant
Owner: nvista1
Last Modified: 2/18/2019
Views: 670

Rank: 28
Score: 12635
Leading by: 241
Points to Higher Rank: 45
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
1000902002 Slot Score Increased* 2480 126352/18/2019 12:42:28 PM
0993828006 Slot Score Increased* 8052 101551/22/2018 4:30:14 PM
0164186007 Slot Score Increased* 152 210311/3/2014 5:03:21 PM
0164186007 Slot Score Increased* 16 19513/20/2014 11:10:38 AM
0993828006 Added 1188 19351/9/2013 1:25:30 PM
0993828006 Slot Score Reduced* -660 7471/9/2013 1:24:34 PM
0160514003 Added 45 14073/8/2012 9:45:57 AM
0160514003 Slot Score Reduced* -30 13623/8/2012 9:45:41 AM
0164186003 Added 90 13923/8/2012 9:43:38 AM
0164186003 Slot Score Reduced* -30 13023/8/2012 9:43:14 AM
0164186002 Added 150 13323/8/2012 9:42:15 AM
0164186002 Slot Score Reduced* -50 11823/8/2012 9:42:00 AM
1000902002 Added 400 12323/8/2012 9:40:25 AM
1000902002 Slot Score Reduced* -80 8323/8/2012 9:39:59 AM
0993828006 Added 660 9122/15/2012 12:59:28 PM
0993828006 Slot Score Reduced* -132 2522/15/2012 12:56:55 PM
Initial Score 384 3841/27/2011 11:31:14 AM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a comic

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